56. Luncheon Chaos

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"Where are we going?" I voiced my question, breaking the awkward silence that had blanketed over the car.

"Lunch," was the only response I got.

I leaned back into my seat, my body growing hot in anxiousness. Hoseok's words from the previous night repeatedly echoed in my head. Was he lying? Or was I too tired to know the difference between reality and dream?

When we entered the restaurant 'Atrium', I could feel the judgmental stares. I knew two out of the many reasons why people were staring at us: 1) One human with six vampires. 2) None of us were wearing suits in this fancy restaurant.

"Bangtan," Hoseok said, wrapping an arm around my waist as I played with my sleeve. The host widened his eyes before nodding and leading the way to a secluded table.

Jimin pulled a chair out for me to sit. I mumbled a small 'thank you', taking a seat between Yoongi and Seokjin.

"Your server will be by in a minute," the host said. I sent him a small smile of acknowledgement before he walked off.


"We want to discuss some things with you, Bambi," Seokjin said. I looked at him in confusion, sipping on the coke that the waiter brought a while ago. "It's about... turning you?" his tone was unsure. I tensed up. I put down the drink and started fidgeting with the base node of my middle finger, my leg bouncing like crazy. Yoongi placed his hand on my knee to stop my leg movement.

"I-I don't want to turn," I muttered.

"We understand. We just wanted to tell you that we are not going to turn you without your consent. What we said, about turning you, we let our emotions cloud our judgement. We want to show you that we genuinely care about you," Seokjin explained. "Of course that is if you allow us."

I don't trust them. Not one bit. I don't want to agree, but I have no choice. If I angered them by refusing, there is a possibility of them acting upon it and turning me right then and there.

"If I agree, can I sleep in my room?" I asked. Seokjin looked around the table, asking the silent question, but I kept my gaze on him.

"Not until we can trust you again to not escape," Taehyung answered. I looked at him with big sad eyes.

"B-but I won't try to escape. I promise," I said, desperately.

"We don't know that, bun," Namjoon said. I stayed quiet, placing arms between my legs, forming a very timid posture. Seokjin wrapped his arm around my shoulders, squeezing in comfort. I shrugged his hand away, pushing Yoongi's hand off my knee.

"I uh..." Jimin trailed off. I looked at him. "I wanted to discuss something with all of you."

"Sure, Minnie. What's up?" Yoongi asked. Minnie? Not going to lie, that's cute.

"I was wondering... If it was possible for the seven of us to go somewhere abroad? A short trip?" He asked. "Not long, of course. We all have work."

I slumped back into my seat. Exactly what I needed, to spend more time with them.

"We can arrange something, but don't get your hopes up. We still have work," Seokjin said.

I jumped up in surprise when yells disrupted the pleasant ambience of the restaurant. Yoongi pulled my chair closer to him as we watched a fight break out. Their eyes gleamed yellow... werewolves. The human host, who showed us to our table, tried to separate them, but one of the werewolves pushed him away, causing him to stumble back into a table. I pushed my chair back and stood up to go help him, but Yoongi pulled me back before I could walk off.

"Let me help him. He's hurt," I said, looking at Yoongi. No one was helping him. I could see little droplets of blood seeping through his white shirt.

"There's a possibility of you getting hurt," Seokjin said.

"I'll take my chances," I yanked my hand out of Yoongi's grip and rushed over to the host, skillfully dodging all the objects that were being thrown around.

I bent down and helped the host up, moving both of us out of the way as one of the werewolves pushed the other into the table. I helped the host make the way to the kitchen as an all-out fight broke in the restaurant. I gently put him down on a chair. I swiftly turned around when I heard a growl behind me. A werewolf. I pulled my dagger out of my waistband, running in his direction throwing him off guard as he was running towards us. I ducked down as he pounced on me, kicking him in the nuts when he was mid-air.

I huffed, grabbing him just as he was about to pounce on the host and throwing him into a wall, using all of my strength as I did so. I breathed heavily, twirling the dagger in my hand. He didn't move, most likely unconscious.

I walked over to the host. "Don't worry, I'm human. Just like you. I'm going to help you with that wound of yours," I said, pocketing the dagger.

He visibly relaxed, mumbling a 'thank you' as he opened a cabinet beside him and took out a first-aid kit. He winced in pain when I dabbed his cut with a cloth coated with medicine.

"B-behind you!" He exclaimed. Before I could turn around, the werewolf harshly grabbed me and pushed me against the wall, pinning me to it. He growled in my face, causing me to cringe when his saliva hit my face.

I tried to reach for the dagger, but he pulled me towards him and slammed me against the wall. I let out a groan of pain, trying to push him away. I brought up my leg to kick him, but he kicked me first. He leaned back to punch me, but before he could, he was pulled away.

I was pulled into a warm embrace as Jimin beat up the werewolf. Jin helped the host who had backed up into the corner in fear.

"Bunny, you got to stop running away," Taehyung whispered into my ear, covering my eyes.

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