70. Meeting

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"I don't want to go," I huffed, clinging onto Jin's back as he walked to the kitchen. He let me sit down on one of the island chairs.

"You don't have to. None of us is going. I told them about our concerns and they arranged a live holographic meeting," Hoseok said, giving me a small peck on the cheek before taking a seat beside me.

"Holographic?" I asked in confusion having never heard the word before.

"A hologram is a photographic recording of a light field, rather than an image formed by a lens. Holography is a very effective instrument for carrying out very high precision measurements," Namjoon explained. I stared at him blankly.

"It's basically some picture or video that pops up from this really tiny machine," Jimin simplified, walking in.

"When is the meeting?" Yoongi asked.

"12:30," Namjoon said, stuffing his face with a sandwich. He was the only one eating seeing as the rest of us were waiting for the others to come.

"It's... 12:34," Jimin said, looking at his watch. Namjoon's eyes widened. He started stuffing the whole sandwich in his mouth as Hoseok picked me up and ran to Namjoon's office, which was the most spacious, so it was in good reason why we all went there.

"Should I go change?" I asked Taehyung, who stood beside me with an arm around my waist, as Hoseok started rummaging through Namjoon's drawer. He brought out this weird machine looking thing and placed it on the floor.

"No, you're good. It doesn't matter," he said, pulling me to the side to make way for Jin and Jimin. We were all still in our nightwear.

"Now, how do you turn this on?" Hoseok asked.

"The button underneath," Namjoon said, walking in. I reached over and wiped a crumb off his cheek.

"And how do we connect to the meeting? Will they be able to see us?" Jimin asked as Namjoon set up a tab looking device and angled it to face us. Just then, a blue light emerged from the device. The light split into three sections, showing the faces of three of the Council members. "That's how."

"You're late," the werewolf representative said, his tone sharp and bitter.

"But we're here. Deal with it," Jin said, rolling his eyes.

"Let's get straight to the point. We looked at the numbers you submitted last week," the human representative said. "You are aware of the repercussions, right?"

"We are, but what exactly do you want us to do about it. We can't tell vampires to not drink," Jimin said.

"This is what you're going to do," the vampire representative started. "You have to get rid of some vampires."

"Are you suggesting we kill our own kind?" Hoseok asked.

"Well you seem to have no problem killing humans, why not your own kind?" The werewolf representative spat.

"You know, if you can't maintain a formal professional tone and let your emotions cloud your mindset, then I suggest quitting," I said, frowning at the werewolf. Taehyung tightened his grip on me and pulled me closer. He leaned down and gave me a small kiss behind my ear, sending ticklish sensations through my body.

"You littl-" Namjoon cut him off.

"He's got a point. Also, I recommend not talking to our mate like that, we don't want something happening to the werewolves left in Seoul, do we?" Namjoon blackmailed. The werewolf representative pursed his lips shut.

"Send a few humans our way. We'll open the borders for entry, no exits. Humans only. You send anything other than human, we kill off the werewolf in our dungeons," Jin said. There's a werewolf in the dungeons?

"We're not going to put more humans in danger. If you're not going to kill off a few vampires, impose stricter rules. We will send blood bags your way, but nothing more," the human representative said.

"Reproduction is slow and the excessive count for women in menopause doesn't help. You either send more humans, or the vampires start hunting beyond the walls," Hoseok said.

"We'll send willing humans to Seoul, but the ratio better not be disappointing. You know what we're capable of, and what we can do to your weakling," the werewolf representative said.

"We'll make sure of it," Taehyung said, through gritted teeth.

Once the picture went back into the device, everyone relaxed their postures.

"Come on. Time to finish breakfast," Jimin said, tugging my sleeve. I slipped out of Taehyung's grip, allowing Jin to take my place to give a shot at calming him down, and took Jimin's hand.

"Yoongi," Hoseok's deep husky voice was laced with lust as he pulled the petite boy closer. "Eat well, You need the energy," he whispered in his ear, but I could hear him.

I chuckled at Yoongi's submissive and flustered state. I couldn't help but imagine what he would look like... under me? Or maybe on top of me?

"Jimin, can I ask you a question?" I asked. He hummed, as Namjoon grasped my other hand. "How do you know if you're dominant or a submissive?" Namjoon choked on his spit as Jimin's cheeks flushed bright pink.

"W-why do you want to know?" Namjoon asked.

"Just imagining... something," I said, looking down.

"Well Jungkook... we're going to teach you something that is going to change your whole life," Namjoon said, putting his arm around my shoulder, a devious smirk on his face.

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