Chapter 29 (TW)

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TW: slight blood


About a week later

After taking the usual (and much longer) way from Insomnia Kingdom to Miracle Kingdom, Hyojung, Yubin, and the others finally arrived. Little did they know that Binnie was expecting them. Binnie was waiting in her dungeon, traps set and her hand on the lever that would activate the spiked ceilings in the cells to come down.

"Now, be quiet or these spikes will be coming down," Binnie told her prisoners. They nodded in response. "I heard Hyojung has arrived this morning. This will be very interesting. Also, Grand Master Yubin decided to tag along. Hear that, Gahyeon?"

Once she heard that, Gahyeon started to panic. Oh no! I want her to rescue me, but all of these traps could kill her... she thought. Life in the dungeon wasn't as bad as she thought. There was food, there was water, she had good company, and as long as she behaved, the spikes wouldn't come down.

Meanwhile, Hyojung had just arrived in the castle. She had ordered all her guards to try to find Binnie. However, nobody could find her (since she was in her secret underground dungeon). She wasn't even in her room. Was she even in the castle?

Yubin and YooA both had their special grand master armor on. They were sitting on Binnie's clean bed talking.

"Binnie's supposed to be here! Where the hell did she go?!?" YooA was frustrated.

"If I can't see Gahyeon again, I will live the rest of my life in constant agony!" Yubin didn't have an answer for YooA (who she still didn't trust because of what happened that one night). Yubin also wasn't just frustrated, she was devastated. What if Gahyeon was dead already?

Think, Lee Yubin, think. Look around you. The guards say she was last seen going to her room. Surely there must be something we don't know here, she thought to herself.

Yubin looked around and saw the clock hanging on the wall. Huh. That clock looks a little... tilted, she thought. Could it be?

"YooA, look at that clock. It's a bit tilted. Try to move it and see if something happens," she told the other grand master.

YooA immediately turned the clock. To their surprise, the fireplace in front of the bed they were sitting on moved to the left to reveal a dark passageway.

"Bingo. Binnie's down there!" Yubin drew her sword as she and YooA cautiously wandered down the stairs.


The low creaking sound of the fireplace moving was heard by Binnie and the prisoners.

"Hear that, everyone? They just discovered this little dungeon. This will be very fun, I can hear Grand Master Yubin's voice!" Binnie laughed. All of her traps were ready. If Yubin wanted to rescue Gahyeon, she could, but one shouldn't leave alive. She could hear a sigh coming from Gahyeon and felt a little bad, but this is what she had to do in order to become queen.

Yubin finally arrived, to Binnie's glee, but Binnie's smile faded when she saw YooA.

"Well, well, well. The two great grand masters are here, the ones who allowed me to take Gahyeon away," Binnie looked at Yubin in the eyes.

Yubin looked around her and noticed all of the traps, making sure to not place a foot off the stairs. She also noticed that Gahyeon had 3 other fellow prisoners. "Release them, and you may live."

"You think I'm stupid, Grand Master? Make me!" Binnie was glad that she had built several levers to control all of the traps in the room. Yubin and YooA put on their helmets, raised their swords, and looked at Binnie. She was expecting them to avoid the spikes on the floor by hanging on the chains from the ceiling.

Yubin jumped and grabbed a chain, trying to swing herself onto another like those acrobats she saw in circuses. Binnie smiled. What a dumbass, she thought as she switched a lever, causing arrows to shoot from the wall facing Yubin. YooA luckily stayed back, noticing that Binnie was eyeing the other knight.

"Yubin! Watch out!" Gahyeon cried.

"Didn't I tell you to shut up?!? One more word and those spikes are going down!" Binnie snapped at Gahyeon, who nodded in response. Luckily, Yubin heard it and also didn't need to avoid the arrows. Grand Master armor in Insomnia Kingdom was even thicker and more metal-resistant than Knight Commander armor. Binnie didn't know this, since she only knew armor from her own kingdom. The arrows bounced off Yubin like they were balls.

"Don't talk to my Gahyeon like that, you monster! It looks like your sinister plan is actually failing, how unfortunate," Yubin told Binnie as she got closer to her.

"Don't underestimate me, Lee Yubin," Binnie switched another lever, causing the spikes on the floor to rise higher. Yubin saw this in time, and swiftly climbed up the chain. Unfortunately, Binnie switched yet another lever on the wall and caused multiple chains to fall down, due to some daggers shooting out from the walls. Most of the chains surrounding Yubin fell down, causing her to be trapped.

YooA noticed that Binnie was totally focused on Yubin and forgot all about her. Smirking, she took out some rope from her pockets and used it to snag onto a chain close to Binnie. She took a deep breath, knowing the risk, and used the rope to swing herself onto Binnie's desk, knocking several sheets of paper off.

Binnie's stomach was kicked in the process. She grunted and she stood up on her armchair and began to fight with YooA on the tiny desk. Both of them were equally nervous- one misstep and you could fall into the sharp spikes surrounding. Yubin began to make her move and swung herself onto the iron bars of Sera's cell, which was right next to Gahyeon's. She freed one of her hands to take out her sword. Yubin tried her best to concentrate on Binnie, since she was struggling against YooA. She would have to try her best to aim for her wrist.

Inhale. Exhale. Yubin took a deep breath, then threw her sword like a dagger. To her luck, it went through her palm and pinned her to the wall. Binnie screamed in pain as she was stuck to the wall. Unfortunately, her body was blocking the lever that was used for hiding the spikes. YooA tried to hold Binnie back, who was trying to free herself. Yubin used this opportunity to jump onto the desk and take out some handcuffs from her pocket. She, alongside YooA, put Binnie's arms through the cuffs and locked them. She was finally caught.

"You little annoying shits!" Binnie cursed at the two grand masters who had foiled her plan. YooA switched the spike levers back to normal in order to grab the keys from Binnie's pocket. Watching her free the prisoners she had worked so hard to get created an idea in Binnie's mind. If her plan was going to fail, why not bring someone down with her? Her legs were free, and one specific lever was closest to her foot.


A/N: sorry for the trash action scenes, im not good at this stuff lol

and check out my new suayeon oneshots book! pm me your requests! (just read the author's note at the beginning of it for more info im too lazy to put it all here lmao)

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Question of the chapter: What did you think of Jiu (Minji) and Yoohyeon's new cover?

my jiyoo heart T-T

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