f o r t y f i v e

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edited 25aug21

• chapter 45: i'm losing her

"Where's my phone?" Seungmin mumbled while walking down the staircase from his room. He searched at the kitchen counter, dining table and lastly the living room. When spotting the phone beside the television, he called himself dumb. But then a ring surprised him. He answered it and Hyunjin's panicked voice greeted his ears.

"Give me their numbers!"

Scowling, he put his phone on speakers and scrolled down the contact list. "Whose numbers?"

"Hyemi's mom, or dad. BOTH!"

His fingers stopped at where it was as he sensed something uneasy. "Why?"

"Just send them to me!"

Then he heard another noise. While his fingers worked on what Hyunjin had asked, he stuttered, "H-hyunjin is that sirens? Where are you now? Where is she?"

He hit the button send.

"I got it, thanks!" Hyunjin ended the call.

"Wait- hyunjin!"

toot toot

Seungmin froze before realising something was going on. Quickly, he grabbed his jacket, house keys and turned of the lights, he ran out from the house. But then stopped when there's many people gathering. A woman passed by him and he politely asked her.

"There's an injured girl with two boys. She was half conscious. Gosh teenagers these days." she shook her head.

That was enough for him to run after the nearest hospital. And that's twenty minutes away by walking.

she was here? his mind raced as he sprints at the sidewalk, not bothering the looks he got from the passerby. it's nearly 10pm what was she doing here?

Seungmin's legs grew tired and he slowed. He clicked on a contact name and waits for it to be answered, but no avail.

"The number you ha-"

"Screw it!" After multiple tried he called Hyunjin. The other line kept ringing but he didn't pick it up. His worries grew as he stuffed his phone in his pocket and started running again. He didn't bother to take any public transportation since he left his wallet in his room. Finally after a few minutes of running he arrived at the hospital and went straight to the counter, panting hard.

The nurse was shocked seeing him like that. "Who are you searching for?"

"A new patient named Jung Hyemi. Please. She's here right? With Hwang Hyunjin." he asked desperately. The nurse immediately nodded.

"She just admitted here. What's your relation-"

"Friends. Please at least tell me where Hyunjin is. He must be waiting for-"

"Second floor room 44."

"Thanks!" he rushed to the elevator and prayed silently that she'd be safe. Regret built in him when he remembers he ignores her after the fight at the hallway. He was blindly jealous because of Hyunjin and had said things that hurt the girl.

The door opened. Seungmin instantly searched for room 44 until he saw Hyunjin on the seats and two adults, pacing back and forth worriedly. The people he recognised so much.

Suddenly his legs went weak. He promised her father to look after her but he failed. His chest tightened as he approached them, tears threatening to fall.

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