t w e n t y s i x

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edited 23aug21

• chapter 26: her other side

"Let me bring your bag."

I gripped on the strap of my bag when she tugged on it, "What are you doing?"

"I burnt your hand. It must be hurting now."

Seriously? "It's just my hand. Not my shoulder." I replied with a matter of fact. The girl gave up while kicking the pebbles. I didn't know how she ends up with me. Jeongin (again) left us alone in the class before texting me he was already in his mother's car to rush for a family gathering. Hyunjin, Jisung and Felix were nowhere to be seen. They haven't answered my text yet.

"I still feel bad."

"Where are your friends anyway?" I changed the subject, knowing she won't stop blaming herself.

"Already home, probably. They don't live near me."

"I don't, too."

She nodded. "I know. I just feel guilty to leave you alone after burning your hand."

"Then why didn't you be careful?"

"I told you I was distracted."

"By what?"

"Ice cream."


She put her hand on her stomach. "I'm craving for ice cream hehe."

I sighed and nodded, "I'll get going then."

"Don't you want it too? My treat as an apology."

I looked at her, who has a smile on her face. Whenever she smiles I could sense something else in that. She's faking it, right?

And she's avoiding my question.


"I really want to try that," the girl in front of me muttered while pointing to the menu on the board. I turned my head before looking back at her. "But I've ordered this first." she sighed and puffed her cheeks with air.

"You can try that next time."

"But it's peanut. I'm-"

"Hyemi~" a voice cut her off and we turned to the caller in sync. Jeno grinned and when his eyes laid on me, his eyes went big before the corner of his lips curled up a bit. "I see~"

Hyemi ignored him. Jeno faked a hurt expression and giggled afterwards. "How dare you ignore your bestie here. It's fine I'm not hurt."

"Shut up, you single ass." she glared and rolled her eyes.

Jeno scoffed and his eyes met mine again. He smirked a bit, making me threw him a weird look. "She doesn't roast you?" he asked out of sudden.


"You know why? Because you're special-"


"Aaaaanyways I'm getting ice cream for Jeonghoon so gotta go!" he said and quickly left the place. My heartbeat stopped when I heard the name and wanted to call him but he already left.

For who he was getting ice cream?

I was about to ask Hyemi but she was lost in thoughts. Her ice cream was already eaten more than a half. Is she alright? "Do you want the peanut one?" I asked and she shook her head. "Then?"

"That guy, I wish I could beat his ass." she said between her gritted teeth.

I chuckled, "He was just messing around. Don't take it too serious."

"Okay." she replied monotonously and finished the last bit of her ice cream. She seem off today, not being her usual self and I wonder why.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and she raised a brow at my sudden question. I could feel my cheeks heating up. "I mean, you are not being your usual self today."

"Oh. I'm just fine?"

I nodded, wanting to disappear from here. Why did I ask that at the first place? It seem awkward. "Do you wanna go home now? It's almost five." We agreed to leave and on the way home, she is awfully quiet and I'm not used to it. Usually she is the one who'd start the conversation but today is different.

"I really don't wanna go home." she muttered but loud enough fro me to hear. However, I didn't bother to ask why. She must have said that accidentally out loud. With silent agreement, I walked her home and as we arrived there, a woman came out from the house and Hyemi stopped on her tracks.


The woman turned to her and smiled, "Honey, we have an errand to do and Chenle is here again. Take care of your brothers, okay?"

I could see the glint in her eyes faded and nodded slowly. Her mom then turned to me and her eyes lit up. "Oh, who's this?"

I bowed and smiled, "Hello, I'm her classmate, Seungmin."

"Why, Hyemi never talks about you!" she exclaimed. "You should come over sometimes."

"Eomma," the girl sighed. Her mother then chuckled and got into the car after hugging her.

"We'll get going now. Take care of your brothers!"

The car drove off, leaving us two in front of her house. I turned to her to ask something but she stomped her feet and whined afterwards.

"What's wrong?"

"Tomorrow is school day!" she groaned. "How am I supposed to finish my homeworks while looking after my brothers? Chenle has school too and all they know is work! Why can't they- ugh! Why bother having kids when they are busy with works and leave it all on me?!"

To be honest, this was the first time I see her complaining.

I stood there, watching her staring at the car with anger. I could see her eyes are red, like she was going to cry on the spot. She closed her eyes for a few seconds.

Why do I find she's too frustrated?

I wanted to go home, but it did not seem right to leave her in this state. But her mother said her cousin is in there, right? Should I just leave?

But then I see a tear rolled down her cheek.

My eyes widened and my hand moved to reach out for her. But I couldn't move.

Calm her down, idiot!

What's stopping you?


Seeing her crying hurts?


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