t w e n t y n i n e

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edited 23aug21

• chapter 29: jeonghoon is sus


"You're my date for the carnival!" Heejin exclaimed and linked her arm with mine. A pout formed on Mia's face as she slung her arms on her chest.

The girl beside me stuck out her tongue, "What? You have your clingy boyfriend with you. We don't wanna third wheeling there."

"You have one too." Mia snorted.

Heejin scoffed, "We broke up. He ditched me with that overrated make up faced girl."

Both me and Mia laughed at her statement. "You're not acting like he's your boyfriend." I remarked, earning a hit on the shoulder.

"I did! He's just a bitch only want to have sexual tension around us. It's so gross! I can't with him!" she whined, and that was when Jeno chimed in.


"Eeh go away." Heejin pushed him away from me, making him scowl. Mia exchanged glances with mine as we silently laughed watching the two.

"I already have a date, sorry." I took off Heejin's arm from my neck and pushed her towards Jeno. "Jeno would like to be yours on that day. Bye!" I latched my hand with Mia and we ran away, laughing at the whining guy.

"She's so oblivious." Mia remarked, shaking her head. "Clearly Jeno has a feeling towards her.

"How did you know?" I asked, surprised when knowing she knows that. I thought Jeno only told me about his crush on Heejin. The day when we ditched classes and went to the rooftop instead, he was super sad when Heejin dissed him so he decided to tell me the truth.

"If Heejin is being oblivious, then Jeno is being obvious. Heejin often complains how Jeno annoy her in class since they are seatmates."

"I almost forgot about that." I muttered before suddenly someone bumped my shoulder. I winced a little, looking at the person.

"Oh, I'm sorry." The guy said apologetically.

"Eh? Jeonghoon sunbaenim?" Mia pointed a finger without realising. "What are you doing here?"

Kim Jeonghoon.

Minha's ex. The one who tried to take her away from Minho sunbae.

I know he's an alumni here, but when knowing about his history with those two, I feel like he shouldn't be here. Not when nearly the whole school knows what he did. But why is he here?

Mia began to have a small chat with him since they were in the same club last year. They were not close, maybe just an acquaintance but the way they talk are just seem.. too friendly.

I don't know why I'm still standing here, listening to their conversation about why is he here. So he's one of the alumni who's invited and involve in the carnival arrangement? I don't want to see his face here. What he did was terrible.

I'm sure Seungmin hates him.

"Mia, I'm going first." I said. The girl stopped talking and bowed to him, sending him a goodbye.

Jeonghoon smirked.

"Hey aren't you Seungmin's friend?"

How the hell did he know that?

I turned to him with a forced smile. "Nope," I replied, elongating the 'n' sound. "I'm just his classmate. We don't really talk."

He nodded with the smirk still planted on his face. "Sure. See you at the carnival then."

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