f o r t y e i g h t

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edited 28aug21

• chapter 48: can't i stay?

The last bell rang. Hyemi packed her things quickly while Jeongin just sat still, staring at the desk. The girl thought it's a great chance to just go without saying anything but she was wrong.

When she was about to wear her bag, Jeongin suddenly spoke, "Are you really not going to talk about yesterday?"

There goes the guilt.

The younger guy looked at her with a saddened expression. "I don't know what happened. Hyunjin hyung won't tell me but I miss you." he whispered the last part.

He began to pack his things and without saying anything, he left the class.

Hyemi walked to her locker sadly. She really wanted to tell him but didn't know how. No, she didn't want anyone to know.

"Hyemi?" she turned and was a bit surprised when seeing Seungmin in front of him. The guy gripped on his strap bag tighter, feeling nervous. "I know what you're worrying about so I want to help. Are you free now?"

She hesitantly nodded, not saying anything.

Seungmin's lips curved upside a bit. "It's been awhile since we have ice creams."

"You want ice creams?" she asked, her voice small. Seungmin nodded cutely. "Okay." she stuffed in her things in her locker and they walked out together. It was so weird and awkward. Both of them were not in good terms yet but here there are, agreeing to get ice creams together.

They didn't talk much. Only asking which ice cream shop they are going and then silence. The only noise there are the surroundings. Hyemi distracted herself with the puppies walking with their owners. Usually puppies made her smile but this time they don't.

Upon reaching the ice cream shop, Seungmin ordered an oreo ice cream and a chocolate ice cream with peanuts topping. He gave the girl the chocolate one. "The other day you said you wanted to try this."

His grin made her feel guilty.

"Uh.." she stared at the ice cream. Seungmin suddenly felt nervous again.

"Y-you don't like it?"

"No- I mean, I do but.. I'm allergic to peanuts." she muttered, giving him an apologetic look. "That's why I didn't order this the other day."

Seungmin could feel his face heat up. "I'm... sorry... I didn't know that. We can exchange?" he held out the oreo ice cream to her.

"But you ordered—"

"It's okay, I don't mind. It's better than you getting the effects." he gave the :] smile. Hyemi nodded slightly and took the oreo ice cream, muttering a thanks.

They left the shop and headed to the next destination. Seungmin didn't tell her where they were going but she could feel that it was going to be bad. The road they were using was the same one when Hyemi once brought Seungmin to a hang out due to Jeongin's request.

When she spotted a familiar café, she tugged on his strap bag stopping him. "Are we going to the dog café?" she asked quietly.

Seungmin nodded with a smile of excitement. "The other day you didn't play with them so this time we'll—"

"Seungmin." she cut him off. "I didn't play with them because of allergy too."

His expression fell slightly but quickly covered it up with a smile. "Sorry."

"It's okay." she knew it was a fake smile. Again, guilty conquered her.

"I guess we'll just head home." he said, his voice lacing sadness. Hyemi couldn't help but just nod, trailing behind him.

After a few minutes of walking in silence, she spoke up. "You don't have to send me. Jeonghoon's caught."

He stopped in his steps and his shoulders slumped visibly. "Okay." he turned to her, smiling. "Get home save."

"I will." she mumbled and the guy walked to the opposite direction. When he was far enough, his dumped the ice cream in a trash bin.

"What a failure, Kim Seungmin."

He threw his bag on the floor and laid on his bed, arms sprawling like a starfish. Letting out an exasperated sigh, he kicked the air and groaned.

Everything's messed up.

He didn't even bother to change his uniform and fell asleep with a tear stain beside his eye.


"Seungminnie!!" A girl in his age threw herself on him, making Seungmin catched her in his arms and sighed. Chaewon giggled as he returned the hug. "We brought pizzas and cookies. And strawberries."

The guy smiled and ruffled her hair. "Thanks."

"How you're doing Minnie? Is everything okay?" his aunt asked as she prepared the food on the coffee table. "I'm sorry we didn't visit you last month. Works were piling up."

"It's fine, I have companies here. Just fine." he helped her folding the unwanted boxes as Chaewon and her father brought the plates and cups to the front. "Don't you have exams next week?"

"I do but we wanted to visit you. Don't worry Kim Chaewon has a smart brain."

He playfully scoffed. Chaewon's father was her mother's younger brother. Ever since Seungmin's parents died they promised to look after him and send money as much as they could. Honestly Seungmin couldn't be more grateful. He's happy for having someone to take care of him even they only visit once a month. But during holidays they'd bring him along.

It was halfway through the meal when his uncle suddenly spoke, "We are planning to move to LA."

Seungmin discontinued his munch, paying full attention to his next words. "I've got a promotion there for a year and after that they'll see if I can continue or return to Korea. We decided to bring you along because we're afraid if no one is looking over you."

His heart dropped hearing this.


They nodded. "If everything is okay for you we'll renew your boarding pass and move next month."

"I don't want to see you alone again." Chaewon immediately said when Seungmin was about to protest.

Silence filled the atmosphere. Seungmin couldn't say anything. This was an opportunity for Chaewon's family and he knew they needed to bring him along.

But it's not easy to leave his friends.

His cousins looked to one another, worried evident when Seungmin just stared at the half eaten pizza.

"Can't I stay?"

"Of course you can but if anything happens, you don't have any close relatives with you. Especially in emergencies. If you come with us to LA then at least we are there to help." Chaewon explained earning nods from her parents. "I know it's hard to leave your friends especially Jeongin. It is for me too but we'll meet again in next few years."

Not only Jeongin.


"We'll give you time, Seungmin. But next week just in case we will renew your boarding pass. Is that okay for you?" her father asked and received a weak nod from him.

Being apart from his friends and Hyemi? No.


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