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hi :)

i'm writing on my laptop again this is quite awkward. by the way! hi again how are youuu.

you must be thinking what explanation do i want to make because this story don't even have any unanswered question.

welp i wanna tell you the reason why i wrote this story. just feel like sharing today. it's okay if you don't want to read it.


If you take half of Seungmin's personality and half of Hyemi's personality to make a new person, the person would be me. 

Yes, half of this story is about me, what I feel and what's going on in my life so it's kinda special for me. I know, it's boring. My life is boring.

Initially the story was supposed to be a sequel of Minho's story but I deleted it. In fact it already had more than 30 chapters and near the ending but I had to delete it. Why? Because if I published that, that would be my second lenghty story. My first one was about Monsta X's Kihyun (surprise, I'm a Monbebe) and I got so many comments about my grammatical error. Even my irl friend have to speak up for me and they kinda argue in the comment section. So I deleted it, I feel like if I published the Minho story, the same thing would happen. And I already plan to write a Seungmin's story after finishing that story, this is where the idea comes. 

And when I was in my six months break from study, Seungmin is slowly climbing my bias list so I just proceed on writing this without Minho's story.

At first I didn't realise that I basically wrote about myself but I wanted to add some problems Hyemi had to face so I put in the academics one. Her parents portrayed mine, her interest portrayed mine, her thoughts, feelings, problems were also portraying mine. (But I don't have a boyfriend lmao)

As for Seungmin, no I am not clever nor I have any positions in class. I LOVE photography. If I'm out with my friends I'd take photos of them (like candid) and edit, then give it to them.

But one thing I made him rejecting Hyemi at the first place is because I hardly move on, and something happened so I don't want to like/love anyone until I finish my study and matured enough. Also the important part is I hate people leaving me. I've lost three best friends. As I mentioned in one of the chapters I lost motivation around August and continued writing at the end of the year. Around august and september I lost two best friends. They just cut off our contacts and I've never heard about them again. Since that I never believe in anyone who promised to stay with me as best friends.

BUT, Hyunjin is portrayed as one of my friends, real best friend. Even we don't really converse now (because we got into different college) she's always there when I'm alone, when no one seems to notice me, when no one is listening to me. I really, really appreciate her. A lot.

When writing the chapters I put Seungmin in my shoes, except that he didn't lose Hyemi. My fingers just moved themselves typing what I want, like the idea already came out because i've experience it (the reason why I updated daily to finish the story). Even there's a few parts actually happened lmao.

Even I stopped writing months back, I started to do it again after losing them. I want to express myself more in this story, hence why is this special to me.

When I see some of you put this story in your reading list, I feel so happy. And recently a few of you named your reading list "books that made my day", "books that made my life better" lol that's the best thing I've ever achieved honestly. I'm happy I could make you feel like that. Didn't know my boring life would make you happy.

I want to say (talk) more because I'm quite talkative to my closest friends, and with my online friends. But I guess I'll just end it here.

Thank you for reading, commenting, voting and sharing this story  :) This might be my last update of my ALL stories before I go to hiatus (don't know yet for a month or three months)

I L Y S M < 3


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