• f o r t y s i x

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edited 27aug21

• chapter 46: she hates me

He felt a light tap on his shoulder and he opened his eyes to see Hyemi's mother putting a small shopping bag on the table. "Good morning, Seungmin. Hyunjin gave his clothes last night for you."

The boy nodded sleepily.

He grabbed the bag and at that moment he realised he was holding the unconscious girl's hand. Blushing, he pulled away and the woman giggled.

"Thank you, Ms Jung." he said quickly before rushing to the toilet. His face flushed red.

Seungmin didn't know how long he spent in the toilet. He processed what just happened and when the memory of last night came in, he let out a heavy sigh while holding the sink and put down his head.

i'm so stupid.

After taking a short bath and washing up he walked out. The doctor and the nurse were already there.

"Her condition is better than yesterday. Maybe she will walked up in a few hours." he heard the doctor said while the nurse jotting down on her paper. Shortly after they left, leaving him with the parents.

"Good morning," he lightly bowed towards the adult. "Thank you for allowing me stay last night."

"Thank you for looking after her, Seungmin. Now eat, we bought you some bread." her mother handed him a potato bun which he gladly took it. "We're going to drop the twins at their grandparents house to stay there for a few days, we cannot bring them along here. Would you mind staying for a little longer?"

Seungmin nodded, "Sure, it's not a problem."

"Thank you so much, Seungmin for looking after her. If she wakes up later ask her to eat first." she pat the container on the table. Then they left.

Seungmin sat on the chair next to her where he slept that night. His back was hurting a bit. He regretted for not choosing the couch as a bed.

He stared at the girl's face. She had a bandage around her head. There was a faded patch of blood on the left side and her face was pale. Her arm was injected by two wires. Seeing that his heart clenched tightly.

why did you walk alone...

what exactly happened last night?

Those questions kept replaying in his mind. He waited and waited. One hour later she still hadn't woken up.

Seungmin dozed off on his hands. His head fell forwards and he immediately opened his eyes, trying to stay awake. Shaking his head lightly, he got up and went to the window for fresh air.

He turned on his phone and tons of messages flooded in. Mostly were from his group class. He didn't want to read it yet but when seeing Hyemi's name he opened the group chat.

"ms son announced hyemi won't come to school for a few days."

"she's in the hospital."

"did anyone know what happened?"


"i hope she's doing just fine. she doesn't look well these days."

"@seungmin? are you still friends with her?"

"the messages are not delivered to both of them."

And there was more tags of his name in the group chat. He even got some private messages asking what happened and that got him frustrated. He was about to exit when a new message came in.

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