e l e v e n

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edited 22aug21

• chapter 11: me? a model?

"You look lovesick."

I raised my head from my food and see Mia smirked. She rested her chin on her palm and leaned closer. "Tell me, what happened?"

"Nothing?" I said, more like a question. Let me tell you, my best friend here is a big mouth so I won't tell her anything or else she would bring it up all day. "I'm just eating."

She clickex her tongue and leanex back. "Come on, it's fun to spill some tea when Heejin is not here."

"There's no tea." I said nonchalantly, proceeding to eat my food. But then a presence beside us made me to look up again.

A boy flashed us a wide grin, showing off his braces. His fluffy hair added the adorableness in his features when he is already adorable but I feel like pushing him away. There's a glint of mischief in that smile and I don't feel anything good about it.

"Can we sit here?" Jeongin asked Mia. Oh he knows I would say no.

This girl in front of me immediately squealed something that he's cute so he could and pinch his cheeks afterwards. Jeongin giggled. "You act like Minha noona."

"No one can resist your cuteness, Jeongin," Mia ruffled his hair. "You said 'we'. With who?"

"Seungminnie hyung. He's buying drinks." Jeongin replied and both devils in front of me gave me a smirk. I almost choked on my food as he said that.

"You ain't playing the matchmaker role in this." I hissed towards them. Great, now how do I escape this? I'm extremely hungry and couldn't leave my food halfway my eating. But when thinking Seungmin is coming–

ugh why are they not sitting with their friends today?

Just then Jeongin waved his hand towards someone. Mia kept her annoying smirk on and she mouthed Seungmin's name to me.

"Hyung, it's fine to eat with them right?" The younger guy asked when I feel Seungmin stood in front of our table. This is embarrassing. I don't even know why but I couldn't face him yet after he sent me home yesterday. It's just too awkward.

Seungmin didn't reply anything. Instead, he pulls a chair beside me and sits down. Oh my– how evil Jeongin is I don't know.

"Not ousting you guys, but why are you not eating with your friends?" Mia asked, breaking the silence.

Jeongin looked up with his full mouth. When he was about to speak, Seungmin cut him off, "They are in detention."

"Jisungie hyung broke down the toilet door and Hyunjin hyung wanted to stop him, but Felix hyung prevented him from doing so by pinning him on the wall and it looked like they were kissing then the teacher came so there they are." Jeongin explained with full mouth.

I heard Seungmin sighed beside me. "They are troublemakers."

"Yet you still friends with them," Mia stated. "But don't worry, I'm friend with troublemakers too."

"I'm not your friend." I rolled my eyes while kicking her leg under the table.

She smiled. "Of course you aren't. You're my girlfriend. We're dating, right?"

My eyes widened as she said that and Seungmin suddenly choked. Jeongin covered his mouth using his hand and gasped. He looked at me and this damn bitch and then back at me. "H-hyemi I thought you–"

"The fuck she says." I kicked her leg again, harder this time. Mia groaned loudly, earning attention from the students near us.

"You mean!"

"I'm don't swing that way." I muttered, feeling embarrassed when Seungmin silently watched our little quarrel.

"I'm just joking!"

"Jeongin almost believes you!"

"It's not even true!" She argued back. "I'm disowning you. Heejin will replace you."

Both guys awkwardly eat their food after that. I mentally facepalm myself for being childish. Why do they have to eat here today??

"Don't mind her." I said. They just nodded before continuing.

Mia grinned when both guys are not looking. She puckered her lips and points it to Seungmin. I feel like leaving this place. Why can't she let me eating in peace?

"I'm done," Mia stood up with her tray after finished eating. "See you at dismissal honey." she winked at me and I returned with a smile and a fist.

Jeongin then hurriedly stood up to follow Mia, bringing his tray with him. Seungmin looked at him while munching his food. I think we are thinking about the same thing; Jeongin's food is not finished yet. He only ate half.

Not this again.

I finished mine too, but looking at Seungmin, he silently eat his which is still not even half eaten yet. He just came a few minutes ago to eat and should I leave him? I don't think so.

I put my chopsticks down and got up to buy a drink. I purposely left my tray on the table. I don't want him to feel like everyone is leaving him. I think I need to accompany him for awhile. After all, this is what Jeongin wants.

After buying a milo drink I return to our place and Seungmin was still eating. To be honest I'm nervous being alone around him, but I'm being too overreacting whenever Seungmin is in my sight. Sometimes it gets a bit annoying and I always find me scolding myself. You look like a creep. And that's when I decided to act normal. It's easy. Take a deep breath, exhale slowly. This time, don't dumb him like you did at Hongdae Street.

Seungmin turned his head to me when I sat beside him. He had this slightly wide eyes look and noticed the drink in my hand. He then returned to eating.

It might look weird from afar, me and Seungmin sitting next to each other without saying anything. But I really don't know what I should do now. Initiate a conversation? About what?

As I sipped my drink, he finished eating and drank his orange juice. Then he cleared his throat, making me to look at him with the straw still in my mouth, sipping my favorite milo.

"I need your help," he spoke up, his eyes timidly meet mine. I only wait for his next words. Why do I feel nervous? "We have a photography project and I need a model."

I slowly nibbled the end of the straw, trying to process what is he going to say next. "You want me to find you one?" I ask, unsure.

He looked at me in confusion before shaking his head. No? Then what?

"Can you be my model?" he asked directly and I choked.


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