s i x t e e n

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edited 22aug21

• chapter 16: we are matching

The next day I woke up when hearing some noises downstairs. It was just seven in the morning but the loud sound made me want to check what's happening. I got out from my bed and rubbed my eyes on the way to the down level,

only to see Chenle struggling with the pan.

"Lele?" I muttered as my vision was still blur. He turned around with a panicked look.

"Hyemi! I'm so sorry but I promise your pan is not broken. Go back to sleep go go!" He said and pushed me out from the kitchen. I let him because my mind still cannot comprehend what was happening. Chenle then put me on the couch and gave me a cushion to hug. "I'll be back with breakfast."

I stared at the blank television screen, trying to process everything but failed eventually. My morning brain isn't working especially during school days until I see Seungmin in class–


"Shit." I ran upstairs. I haven't given him my number and he didn't want to ask Jeongin for mine. How am I supposed to know when will the project starts today?!

Should I ask Jeongin?

Obviously no. Seungmin didn't want his friends know about this. Why is he being so difficult?

Groaning, I charged my phone and decide to take a shower instead of worrying. I could just wait him near the bookstore since he knows I live here.


"Have fun!" Chenle shouted from the gate and I sighed, waving back at him. Seungmin beside me just stood awkwardly with his camera, staring my cousin.

I almost forgot Jeongin lives near my house and Seungmin had a sleepover at his house last night. He wanted to find my house but when seeing me walking out he just went to greet me.

Of course Chenle would tease me since he knows who Seungmin is. He just had to hug and wink at me before throwing a flying kiss which made both me and Seungmin uncomfortable. That was embarrassing.

I cleared my throat as we start walking. The morning breeze is not calm enough to relax my heartbeat.

"Did you really want to find my house earlier?" I asked, breaking the silence.

He surprisingly nodded and I stifled a laugh. "What?"

"How'd you do that? Don't tell me you were thinking to press every bells here."

"No," Seungmin sighed. "I didn't know how actually."

A small smile automatically appeared on my face, ignoring my fast heartbeat. Sometimes I hate my speed rate of heart because they never help me. "I was thinking of waiting near the bookstore since that was where we splitted up the other day. Didn't know you had a sleepover at Jeongin's."

"You don't have to know actually." he muttered but loud enough for me to hear.


"Of course I don't. Just saying," I brushed off the negative thoughts. I'm trying to be friendly here. "Since you don't want the others to know, why don't we exchange numbers now?"

He paused for awhile before giving me his phone. I saved my contact as 'Hyemi A-1', the same like he saved the other classmates' numbers. After making a missed call I return the phone to him. And of course he didn't bother to check.

After an hour we arrived at where Seungmin wants to do his project. It was a flower field and my eyes widen at the colorful sight.

"Wow." I breathed out at the flowers with different colors arranged in lines. How did he find this place?

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