t w e l v e

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edited 22aug21

• chapter 12: yes, a model

I tried to find hints of him joking, but I couldn't. No smile, no smirk, no hiding laugh.

Is he serious?

"M–me?" I pointed to myself with my eyes widen. He nodded. I then let out an awkward laugh while facing to the front. "You got the wrong person."

I'm not lying. I don't even know how to pose when someone takes my photo. If you see on my instagram post I only post my photos that my friends took for me while I'm not looking or didn't realise what they were doing. I'm not a photogenic person.

I can feel Seungmin was still facing me. His shoulders slump a bit and he looked away. "Why?"

I felt guilty, but at the same time I don't think I could help him. Even being with him for a short time can make me nervous, how would I cope with myself if I stay with him for hours?

Why? Because I'm nervous around you? Yeah probably that's the last option I'd tell him.

"Because I'm not used to be a.. model?" I replied in an unsure manner. "I– I can look for a few friends to help you." I muttered when he didn't reply after a few seconds.

"It's just for two weeks," he said. "I don't know any girls other than you and Solhee."

What. Is he serious.

"Then why don't you ask your other friend?" I asked him.

"Because she's doing this as well," he sighed. "You really can't?"

Kim Seungmin, do you even realise what are you doing to me? That sad eyes and voice caught me! Ugh why do you have to be cute?!

I restrainex myself from blurting out nonsense in front of him. I want to be close with him, but my nervous ass isn't helping me.

"I.." my words trailed off, unsure what to answer. I bit my lower lip and put down my milo drink. "I want to help you but I'm worried if I don't reach your expectations." I mumbled.

Seungmin tilted his head to the side with a confused look. "What?"


"You'll help?" he asked a little bit enthusiastic.



He didn't have to act cute because he's already cute. My heart almost burst. "I guess.."

He sighed in relief and gave me a quick smile. "Thanks. I really don't know who I should ask other than you."

I smiled back and got up, taking my tray with me. "Just tell me when and I'll see if I can make it or not." With that I left him at the table. This can't be real. Seungmin just asked me to work with him and none of my body senses help me.

Oh god.


"See you tomorrow Hyemi!" Jeongin shouted from afar. I only nodded and waved back to him. He gained attentions from a few students to look at me but I shrug it off. Since I befriend with this guy even after two weeks, some of the students are kind of jealous because I got to be his friend. But isn't Jeongin is everyone's friend? Why do they have to be jealous lmao.

I put in my things into my locker and organise my books. But then I remember we have a quick English test tomorrow. After the literature partnering work here comes a test. I didn't know senior year would be this packed.

As I turned around, my body halted in my place and my eyes widen. I cupped my mouth when I was about to blurt nonsense.

What is Seungmin doing here?!

"Hey," he started, stuffing in his hands in his pockets. "I came to remind you about my project."

Oh yeah I almost forgot what he told me yesterday. I put down my hand and nod slowly, waiting for his next words.

"When are you free?"

I wonder how will my parents react when they know I'm helping a friend to be a model and not study. But I don't think that's a problem. So I replied, "Anytime. I don't have nothing much to do anyway."

"If that so..." he pursed his lips and his eyes averted from me, probably thinking. "How about Friday after school ends and this weekend?" he suggested.

"Sure," I checked my wrist watch. I can't be late for dinner or else my parents would be mad. "I need to go now, bye."

"Wait, I– uh.. your number," he mumbled while looking down. "You know, for.. to contact."

"O-oh." I could feel my face heat up. "Just.. just ask Jeongin. He has my number." and I walked away. I'm so mean. Why do I always leave him alone at the end?

I walked with my eyes closed for awhile, trying to reduce the heat of my face. If I want to help him, I have to control my feelings towards him. He asked me for help, nothing more. I shouldn't let my hopes high.

Suddenly I bumped onto someone. It's a guy. I heard him groaning and I looked up while rubbing my head. "Sorry," I muttered.

"Gosh Hyemi, look in front of you while walking. Not the path," Jeno rubbed his chest. "You're so clumsy."

I grinned sheepishly at his statement. "Why didn't you avoid me then?"

"So that I'll let you knock your head on that tree?" He said with a hint of sarcasm and pointed to the tree behind him.

"Awh, you're so sweet," I faked a pout and rolled my eyes afterwards. "Thanks anyway, I need to go now."

"Wait," he grabbed my hand and pulls me closer. My eyes widened when our faces got closer next to each other. Thoughts are running on my mind and they automatically stop when he whispers, "Are you making progress with Seungmin?"


Jeno chuckled, "I saw that, Hyemi."

"Saw what?"

He playfully scoffed and let go of my hand. "Stop pretending Yemi you're doing a project with him right?"

I kicked his leg and glared at him. He just laughed. "Then why? Is it wrong?"

He shook his head no. "Never wrong. But if you need help I'm only one call away. Or maybe plan something? Or do you need help in clothing? Or tell him to—"

"No thanks, he rejected me." I cut him off. With that, his laugh got louder. "Ugh Lee Jeno, you're wasting my time bye."

"Bye!" He shouted when I'm already far away from him. "Call me if you need help!"

I don't.


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