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edited 22aug21

• chapter 6: jeongin the matchmaker

Here comes the day. The day I hope everything will be okay.

Eventually it turned out a bit downside.

We had a seat arrangement, and I got to sit next to Jeongin. We're seatmates. It's awkward when he knew about my huge crush towards his best friend. But being the cheerful guy is, he acted like we are friends for a long time even he is a year younger from me.

The thing is, next to my right side was Seungmin.

The Kim Seungmin.

Even we had a gap for at least less then ten inches, I still feel we were too close. I couldn't even move my head to the side! Out of all places, how did he ended up beside me?

I poked Jeongin lightly, still awkward around him. He turned to me with a cute smile. "Yes?"

"Can.. can we exchange seats?" I asked, voice barely audible but I'm sure he could make the words because he glanced towards the teacher.

"I don't think we can," he sadly said. "The teacher won't let us."

"Even we are seatmates?" I asked again, hoping that he will agree to my suggestion.

But he nodded. I let out a small sigh and turned to the front. This year is going to be a challenging one.

My head returned to look at Jeongin as I heard a soft laugh escaping his lips. I raised an eyebrow which he returned with a playful smirk on his lips.

"Why aren't you happy? Your crush is sitting next to you." he giggled softly, making sure the teacher won't hear him. I have to admit, his giggles are cute. But I feel like punching him in the face right now. "Oh no don't give me that look."

I rolled my eyes slightly and ignored him afterwards. I'm not used to talk to him this casually. It's all started when the day he found out I like Seungmin and often teases me whenever we are alone in the class or when we cross paths. Other than that we never talk. Sometimes I wonder if he ever talks about me to Seungmin.

But why would he?

"Hey," he nudged me quietly. "Are you mad?"

I shook my head no. Who would be mad at this cutie? I'm sure if he annoys his hyungs they won't mind about that. "Not really."

"I'm glad," he grinned while taking out his textbook. "I'm afraid if you don't want to talk to me until the end of the year."

I stifled a laugh at his statement. "That's absurd."

He nodded twice. "Anyway, if you need help in anything just ask me. I could help you."

Now that's what I want to hear. Jeongin's academics results are not bad. He always make it to the top during tests or exams. Maybe that's one of the advantages of befriending Seungmin? "Thanks." I reply shortly.

"Or," his eyes glinted in amusement. "You could ask help from the other person beside you."

He's lucky I'm not planning on punching him.

Recess came and it'd be a lie if I say I'm doing fine. I'm not. Having both Jeongin and Seungmin besides me is not easy. Jeongin takes out his wallet and calls Seungmin, making him turns to us.

Him, specifically. But I'm sitting next to him and my face feels so hot right now. They talk about their friends or something to meet during recess and I feel goosebumps hearing his voice next to me. He sounds calm, which makes my heart calmed down.

I closed my books and stuffed them under my desk. They were still talking and for some reason I feel like Jeongin is doing that on purpose. Because when I stood up he stopped me.

"Can Hyemi join us?"

"What?" I blurted out, sending him a confused look.

But the guy just grinned and looked back at Seungmin. He didn't say anything but I could hear his chair screeching as he stood up.

"Hyung, can she?" Jeongin asked again.

"Up to you." Seungmin said before he walked out using the other way.

Okay honestly that hurts.

"Seungmin hyung is so mean." Jeongin grumbled in annoyance.

I forced a smile towards him. "Actually Jeongin, I have my friends waiting for me. Thanks for inviting."

He pouted, "That's sad. I really want you to eat lunch with us."

"Sorry, maybe next time?" I suggested, not sure if I would make it or not. I just do not want him to be sad. Sad Jeongin is a sad world.

His face lit up and he nodded. "Don't worry, Hyemi. I'll be helping you for him." he winked and runned out from the class, leaving me speechless.

Now what? He's doing a matchmaker role?

I ignored the fast heartbeat in my chest and the little amount of hurt after what Seungmin said. I'm so dramatic. He just said that simple one word and I'm acting like he threw insulting words towards me. I really am overreacting.

"Took you long enough." Heejin boredly said and rested her cheeks in her palm while twirling her spaghetti with her chopsticks.

I grinned sheepishly and put down my tray in front of her. "Sorry."

"Who's next to you?" Mia straightforwardly asked. "You won't believe it who's sitting next to me."

"Who?" Both Heejin and me asked.

"The window," she rolled her eyes and we bursted into laughter. "I have no seatmate! I'm lucky for getting the back place but ugh."

"That's a good thing since you always talk in class," Heejin snickered. "I'm Jeno."

I laughed again. I forgot that the guy has to change his class. It's quite sad because he was my closest seatmate throughout the years. "He'll teach you weird things. Look what I've become."

"You are weird," Heejin joked. "Who's yours?"

"Jeongin." I sighed.

"Oh, your other next is the window too?" Mia asked enthusiastically. This girl is the real definition of weird.

I shook my head and began to eat. I'm not planning on telling them unless they force me to.

And luckily, they didn't ask me that.


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