t h i r t y e i g h t

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edited 24aug21

• chapter 38: a cuddly seungmin

The exam week passed by rather quickly. However Hyemi was still not happy with it. She had been worrying about her not passing her parents' expectation. The thought was haunting her, even when the class is almost empty. As usual, she was the last one who left the class.

The hallway was noisy and she could hear a bit of their conversations about the papers. She hated it when people discussing the answers. It made her insecure and more frustrated.

Two arms slung over her shoulder and she stumbled a few steps to the front. "How's your test?" Heejin asked, a bit excited.

Hyemi shook her head.

"Aw, it's okay. I'm sure you did it well."

"Let's get us some treats." Heejin suggested. Hyemi weakly nodded and in a few minutes they were at a shopping mall. To be precise, in the Baskin Robins.

"What will I tell my parents?" Hyemi muttered after a few moment being silent.

Heejin stopped blabbing and immediately turned to her. "Tell them the papers were easy! Seungmin taught you for two weeks, girl. Don't worry."

She slumped on the chair, letting go of the ice cream spoon. "I'm–"

"Oh shut up. Kick those thoughts out." Mia said in annoyance. "What's past is in the past, stupid. If you get bad grades and your parents blame you for it, do they have proof that you're not studying? Do they think that you're not trying your best? Do they think that someone can improve in short amount of time? They even know you're more interested in sports but instead they sent you to this school. If you don't reach their expectations then is it your fault? Your parents should know what you're more capable of. Maybe the subjects you're taking are not for you. Maybe you really had to go into a sport school. End of subject."

"Oohh" Heejin clapped her hand while Hyemi chuckled lightly. She smiled a bit, taking the ice cream cup in her hand to continue eating it.

Mia knew the girl was finally feel a bit calm than earlier. She could see Hyemi tried to hide her smile but failed. "Idiot, just say that you're okay now."

"Shut up."


She walked in and spotted a familiar figure in the kitchen. Hongjoong and Hyunjae were sitting at the dining table with their toys, waiting for their food. "Ahjumma?" She called out.

A woman in mid thirties peeked out from the kitchen and smiled, "You're back, Ms Jung."

"No, I told you to just call me Hyemi." She walked in to the kitchen. "Why are you still here? I mean, aren't you supposed to be home an hour ago?"

"Ah yes, but your mom had to run a company issue and told me to stay a bit before you got home." the woman said with a smile and brought two plates with bacon sticks for the twins.

"What issues? Is it going to take a long time?"

"I'm not sure, Hyemi. But your father said something about that too. They might will get busy this week."

They are busy everyday. The girl thought before politely excusing herself to her room. She threw herself on the bed and let out a small sigh. "If they keep being like this I'll never have the chance to tell them.."

Without realising a tear rolled down her cheek before she closed her eyes, drifting into a sleep.

Hyemi woke up a few hours later. She changed into her pajama before her mother came into her room. "Hi eomma."

"Hi sweetie, how's your papers?" she asked, kissing her daughter's right cheek.

The girl smiled tightly. "It's fine. I did it pretty well."

"That's good to hear. We should invite Seungmin and his family this time as a thank you." Hyemi blushed a bit but then froze when heard the word family.

He doesn't have his parents..

That's what had been playing in her mind. Again, her family invited Seungmin for dinner but she did not know how she'd ask him. The whole day at school she spaced out, even when Jeongin called her she didn't even move.

"Hey," she flinched when a hand touched her shoulder. Seungmin chuckled, "You look distant today. Is something wrong?"

He asked that so softly, that made her heart melt. Hyemi just gave him a small smile and shook her head when her heart was going crazy. Seungmin sat beside her, staring off from the rooftop. He followed her there to check on her but then decided to accompany her since it was recess time. None of them feel hungry anyway.

A few minutes of silence passed by before the girl broke it. "My mother invites you for a dinner again as a thank you."

He chuckled, "She likes me, huh?"

"You wish." she grumbled. "But.."


Hyemi didn't say anything for the next few seconds making him worried. "But you don't want me there? You don't like me?"

"No it's not that!" she said almost immediately before her cheeks heat up. She regretted it when Seungmin smirked. "I– I mean–"

"Or is it the other way round?"

"Shut up. I do hate you." she turned to the front with a pouted. The male smiled at her cute action and without hesitant he wrapped an arm around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder. Hyemi visibly tensed but his hold feel safe, along with his warmth.

"Let me guess," he started, looking at the busy city. "She wants my family to come along?"

"Sorry.." She felt bad.

"Why are you apologising? It's not your fault. I can just tell them my parents died in an accident years ago." he looked up to her and their eyes met. Hyemi could have sworn that his puppy eyes can literally take everyone down. They were sparkling, beautiful and suits him well. Only Kim Seungmin could have that eyes, the puppy eyes that make her fall in love with him more.

She could get lost in his eyes.

"Do you like my eyes that much?"

Surprisingly, this time she didn't back off or blush but continued staring into his eyes. Seungmin lifted his head of her, a smile appeared on his face and his hands squeezed her cheeks playfully. "Girl, you're staring."

"I know," she muttered. "Your eyes are beautiful."

His smile widened. "Thank you. Only my eyes?"

"Yes." she deadpanned, literally shut his smile down into a pout.


"I am." she giggled and he squeezed her cheeks harder, making her squirm."You're hurting me.."

He let go of her cheeks and went back to his previous position. This time she relaxed in his touch as well. "When's the dinner?"

"This weekend. If you could make it."

He hummed as an answer. "In three days. Can I tell them at that moment? Or you're not ready yet?"

"I don't know. They are so busy this week. I'm not sure if they want to hear anyone out about that."

"They will." Seungmin snuggled into her neck. "I promise."


i want a cuddly seungmin

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