f i f t y o n e

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edited 29aug21

• chapter 51: it's an order

"I told you to stay in the living room!"

"I got bored." Seungmin muttered.

Hyemi pinched the bridge of her nose. "Sit."

"I'll hel–"

"You'll make more mess." she cut him off. That literally made him to sit on the chair, eyeing the girl.

His fruit cocktail was ruined on the floor. "Sorry."

"Where's the handkerchief?"

"In that room, last drawer." he pointed to the room near the kitchen. Taking a green handkerchief, she collected the cubed fruit and threw them into the bin before proceeding to mop the floor. It took almost five minutes to clean the mess Seungmin had done.

She wanted to make fruit cocktail and Seungmin insisted to help. But he accidentally hit the jug with his elbow and—

it fell.

Hyemi washed the jug, a bit sad that she couldn't taste the fruit cocktail. But she knew Seungmin was more sad because he was the one who suggest to do it. He was the most excited one.

"I'll just make fried noodle. Don't disturb me."

That's how he ended up in the living room again, alone. There's no channel that's more interesting than cuddling with her. He knows he's being clingy, he's just like that especially when he's sick.

Ten minutes passed when he sniffed something delicious. He propped his chin on the couch's backrest. "Yemi ssi~"

The girl didn't bother to reply.

Seungmin groaned and hit the cushion. He's not allowed to go to the kitchen but he's craving for attention. Laying on the couch, he hummed some random song.


"Finally!" he jolted up and attempted to pull the girl with him but she knocked his hand with the wooden spoon.



"Is your fever gone?"

He raised both his shoulders. "I don't know. Why don't you feel it?"

"You're annoying today." she remarked just to receive a small grin from him when she felt his forehead. "Lessen a bit."

Seungmin hummed. "You wanna to something fun?"

"No. You're still sick."

His shoulders slumped in disappointment. "But–"

"You need more rest, that's what you get for neglecting your meals and sleeps."

He finally obeyed her without saying anything. Hyemi let him laying on the couch while she sat on the floor next to him, playing with her phone.

A couple of hours passed. Seungmin stirred in his sleep when hearing his phone ringing. He blindly searched for it and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Are you free today? We'll have to renew your boarding pass."

He sighed and sat up properly but stopped halfway when seeing Hyemi resting her head on the couch, eyes closed. His hand consciously moved to her hair, stroking it gently.

"Uncle, can I just stay?"

There's silence in the other line.

"Your voice is raspy. Are you sick?" he asked back.

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