t h i r t y s e v e n

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edited 24aug21

• chapter 37: i like you

Hand in hand, the two walked home. To be precise, to Hyemi's house.

Both were tired due to the girl's energetic level on that day earlier. But now she joined Seungmin. Too tired. It was already eight in the evening and the moon had taken over the sun. However, they did enjoy the day.

Hyemi was flustered. The way Seungmin held her hand was kind of romantic and she liked it. She never liked the thought of being romantic with someone but when it comes to the guy she automatically thinks it's cute. Sipping her hot chocolate, her eyes wandered around pretending to look amazed with the shop lots when she literally sees that everyday.

"Thank you for today." she heard the guy said and whipped her head towards him. "I enjoy it."

"Really? You don't feel tired?" she ased.

"Of course I do, dummy." he chuckled, softly flicking her forehead. "But today was fun. I'm glad Jeongin suggested me to go with you."

Her expression faltered a bit. So he asked me because Jeongin told him to? Not because he wanted to?

The guy cursed himself for saying that. "Anyway," he cleared his throat, avoiding awkwardness. "When will we tell your parents?"

A sigh escaped her lips. "I don't know. I'm just afraid. What if they ignore me and act like nothing happens?"

He smiled softly as he glanced to his side. He squeezed her hand a bit. "It's alright, take your time. He didn't do anything today so it will be just fine."

The girl nodded, remembering that evening's event where Jeno and Heejin came to them and brought Jeonghoon along. Heejin had told Jeno not to bring him but being his best friend, the guy ignored her. Luckily it was just for a few minutes and Jeonghoon did not do anything. Even did not spare any glance and both of them were relieved. "Guess I'll tell them after the exam week. In case if their reactions are not the best then it wouldn't affect my emotion that much."

"Aren't you a genius." he grinned playfully, earning a punch on his shoulder. Hyemi rolled her eyes and pouted afterwards, looking to the front. Seungmin couldn't tell how many times his heart pounds whenever the girl does something for that day. It's been a quite long time since he feel this feeling. The excited feelings every time when he sees her, warm feelings when he hugs her, tingly feelings when they hold hands and the soft spot in his heart for whatever the girl is doing. Laughing, smiling or even when the girl breaks down, he wants to be the one who comforts her.

Now he knows why he felt jealous on the day where Felix held her hand and dragged her to meet him. And his feelings were confirmed during the day Jeonghoon took her. Also, this morning's incident where Hyunjin kidnapped her for awhile and the students called them a cute match.

He likes her.

Him being protective had lead him to fall for her. Never in his life thought it would be like this. But he didn't regret it.

The now familiar house appeared in his sight. Looking to the girl beside him, he pulled her closer and they stopped at the starting of an alley, four houses away from her house. Hyemi gave him a questioning and a concerned look.

"Are you okay?"

He didn't answer. Instead, he let go of her hand and cupped her cheeks. The girl's eyes widened a bit at the sudden action and he chuckled. She clearly could see the tiredness in his eyes but why was he acting like this? Out of sudden?

The staring contest went on for ten seconds, only the loud heart beating of the two filled the silence between them. Before she knew it, the guy - don't forget that he's her crush - leaned in. She saw his eyes set on her lips and she couldn't feel anything except for one.


The memory of Jeonghoon touching her in the gym's room suddenly flooded in. Her breathing became heavy and she shut her eyes close, afraid of the next thing that would happen.

But it didn't happen.

Instead, she felt his lips pressing on her forehead which made her calm instantly. Her body was no longer tense and her breathing slowly returned to normal. The warm feelings of his lips was probably what she needed at that moment.

Seungmin pulled away and rested his forehead on hers. With his eyes still closing, he whispered,

"I like you."


The first day of exam was not that bad, at least that was what she thought. The last paper for the day was Math, a subject that Hyemi dislikes the most, along with other science subjects. When the last bell rang, she picked up her tote bag and threw all her stationaries there. Definitely today was not a good day.

Looking around, she realised she was the last one who would leave the class. The switches were already turned off. The girl could see whole class since she was seated at the front row.

It might be that she purposely left after everyone did. That's why Seungmin waited for her outside the class.

"Are you avoiding me?"

"Yah!" instantly her hand cupped her own mouth for being too loud. She whined, frowning at the guy. "What the heck you surprised me!"

However the guy did not reply to her, just giving her a sad look. "Clearly you're avoiding me."

Her eyes widened, "N-no I'm not!"

Seungmin shrugged his shoulders, "It's alright. I'm sorry for telling you that." He turned and walked away. Hyemi trailed behind him.

"Yah Kim Seungmin!" She shouted, not caring to the few students who were looking. He did not even look back and his steps grew faster. Hyemi groaned lightly and pulled his arm, making him facing her. "I'm not avoiding you. Really. I was just worried about the test and needed some times alone and I was hoping to get better after the Math test but now you're acting like this? Do you really want to see me- burn? Explode? Die? Huh?"

"Heh, cute."

"That's why I- w-what?"

"Nothing." The small smile faded from his face as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, looking around.

Hyemi clicked her tongue and walked past him. "Whatever."

Seungmin chuckleed, following her from behind like a lost puppy with his face decorated with a happy smile. "Are we gonna get ice cream?"

"Says who."

"Me." he walked beside her. "As a reward for doing the first and second paper well."

"Only you then, I did not do it well." she muttered, walking out from the school.

"You did," his voice became soft. "I know you did it well. It's just your mind telling you that. You wouldn't say you don't do it well if you've prepared for this test."

To be honest she liked it when someone told her that. And that someone being Seungmin. She loved the way he calms her, as if he had known her for long. "Thanks, but I'm not in the mood for ice creams today."

"It's alright, I just want to cheer you up." he pat her hair as they stopped walking for awhile. "Walk home safely, okay?"

"Why are you being so protective." she laughed, trying to hide her blush. Seungmin just scoffed playfully before he took the other way and waved cutely to her.

She waved back, with her cheeks tinted pink.

Since the day Seungmin confessed to her, Hyemi wasn't doing well. She often came to the point where her heart would burst and jump out. There were times where she'd squeal out of sudden when studying before automatically - as if a robot controlled her - focused on her book back. Then it'd happen again.

She had never expected that Seungmin will like her back.

It was as if she's hoping for an idol to notice her. She almost lose hope and decided to become only friends with Seungmin.

"But he confessed aacckkk."

Hyemi knew that she's whipped for the guy.

But as long as she wanted to be happy for that, they still need to face the exam first.


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