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edited 22aug21

• chapter 8: food hunting!

Hongdae Street is surprisingly not busy today though it's Saturday. I gripped my hand tightly on the strap of my bag as I'm walking next to Jeongin. Even though he was against the idea earlier, he's the most excited right now. He keeps on tugging Hyunjin's sleeves and drags him to a few stalls.

I followed the guys from behind until my eyes caught a spring potato wedges stall. Without informing them, my feet dragged me to the stall and I found myself standing in front of the old man who's selling the spring potato wedges.

"Can I get two?" I asked politely and he nodded, taking two of them and stuffs it into the plastic cup. Thanking him after paying, the smile on my face never faded. Spring potato wedges is one of my favourites.

I bit one of them as I walked back to Jeongin and Hyunjin who are at a takoyaki stall. I stood beside Jeongin and he looked down at me (because I'm short). "Hey, you were missing?"

I rolled my eyes at his question. "You were too busy dragging Hyunjin everywhere so yeah."

Hyunjin suddenly gasped as he put his phone down. "I forgot to turn off my Snapchat location."


"Jisung is dragging Seungmin and Felix here."

Wait, Seungmin?

"I'm going home." I quickly said, turning on my heels but Jeongin stopped me.

"Alone?" he smirkex. "Don't you want to spend here with Seungmin hyung?"

I swear this kid is never getting tired of teasing me with Seungmin. I raised my fist and he laughed. "Sorry, but seriously, we went here by uber and you're okay with going home alone? What if the guy brings you to.. I don't know. Not your home?"

"I'll just take the bus." I replied.

Jeongin pouted and Hyunjin walked to us after buying the takoyaki. "You're already going home? We just arrive."

Suddenly I feel guilty for leaving these guys but Seungmin is coming and I don't think I can cope with that. He will ignore me anyway and there's no use of me to tag along.

When I am about to nod, a loud voice called Hyunjin and Jeongin. Both of them turned and saw a hyperactive Jisung. "That's it, bye guys."

"Nope you're not going." Jeongin suddenly grabbed my wrist and I flinch. He gave me a hopeful look as he dragged me a away from his friends. "Please Hyemi? Since Minha noona got together with Minho hyung he's not cheerful anymore like he used to."

"Then what do you want me to do?" I ask, my heart is thumping. "He already says no."

"Just stick with us. Don't worry, Jisung hyung and Felix hyung are friendly so you won't get awkward. I just want Seungmin hyung to be happy again."

"He's clearly not happy when I'm with him."

"You still like him," he said in a matter of fact. "Seungmin hyung needs someone but he's still not moved on from Minha noona. I know you've been crushing on him for long and I want to help both of you."

I sighed softly as I looked down. He's right, I still like Seungmin but now I'm just adoring him from afar. Getting rejected is hurt enough and I don't want him to hate me for being a bug around him.

"Please?" Jeongin plead again. "I promise you if he hurts you I'll get him to the jail."

I gave him a small smile after he said that. "You know I'm just a dumb girl who he will never look at."

"Jeongin, you're coming with Hyemi?" Hyunjin asked from afar. Jeongin signals him to wait for a bit and he turned back to me with a sulken expression.

"So it's a no?"

Damn that sad voice.

"I.. I'm not sure."

Jeongin then smiled widely. "Then that means a part of you want to do it! Do you?" when I shrugged, he immediately pulled me towards his hyungs.

"Oh, who is this?" Jisung asked with a smile played on his lips.

"My seatmate, Hyemi. She's the same age as you but she told me not to call her noona." Jeongin said excitedly. "She's joining us for today!"

"Cool! Do you play any video games?" Felix asked before Hyunjin elbowed him. He winced. "I'm just joking. Hello, I'm Felix."

"I know, you guys are famous in our school."

"So you know my name?" Jisung's face lit up.

"Jisung." I told him.

"Him?" He pointed to Seungmin. Our eyes meet for awhile before he looked away.

"Seungmin.." I said, my voice lowered a bit. "Yeah, we're classmates."

Both Jisung and Felix nod before we start over our afternoon food hunt. I walked next to Jeongin because this guy had been holding my wrist, making sure I don't run away.

In front of us were Seungmin and Hyunjin, while Jisung and Felix walked beside Jeongin. Jeongin was not lying, these guys are noisy. But at least it cheers up the silence atmosphere between us.

Just then Hyunjin stopped and he turned to us. "Seungmin's asking where did you buy those." he pointed towards my spring potato wedges that was left half in my plastic cup.

I blinked my eyes twice, processing before Jeongin let go of my wrist. "Hyemi will show him the way. Hyung, let's find your barbeque chicken wings!" he exclaimed and pulled Hyunjin away from Seungmin.

"Yo, we are going there. See you later." Jisung said to Seungmin before him and Felix ran to a certain stall.

As cliché as it sounds, they left us together.

Remind me to kill Jeongin later.

"Uh.. it's near the place where we met." I told him. Seungmin nodded without looking at me and walked beside me.

Wait, what?

"I thought Jeongin said you're showing the way."

What the heck he's so close to me! I don't think I can walk-

"Are you?" he asked, looking at me.

Oh shit is he talking to me.

I nod and walk to where we met earlier since we were heading ahead from it. The walk was too quiet and I could hear my heart beat faster than earlier. The. Kim. Seungmin. Is. Walking. Beside. Me.

I held my bag strap tighter as the time flows. The stall suddenly felt so far from here and I wished I could disappear right now.

Seungmin just kept quiet. Can I break this silence by telling him he looked cute in this blue hoodie of his? And who allowed him to wear a pair of ripped jeans?!

"Isn't it there?" He looked back over his shoulder. We both stopped walking and I looked at the stall he was pointing.

"O-oh yeah it is. S-sorry." I stuttered and went to the stall with him following behind.

He bought three sticks of the spring potato wedges and for once I could see the smile on his face this close.

I'm seriously a creep. I can't hold myself any longer.

Seungmin turned to me as he took a bite. And again, a bright smile appeared on his face as he munched on it.

Shit. Cute.

"You're cute." I suddenly blurted out.

He stopped munching and the smile on his face fades off, replacing it with a surprised look.

What the hell just happen-

My eyes widenex as well. I did not just say that out loud right?! Did I?! Oh god!

"Uh.." he put his hands down to his sides. "Thanks?"

"ShitsorryIdidn'tmeantoohgodsorry." I said quickly.

Then I ran away.


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