t h i r t y s i x

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edited 24aug21

• chapter 36: carnival date!

Third person

It's finally the carnival day, where the school field are filled with colorful tents and booths. When the alumni are invited, it gets more noisy as they are catching up with each other, cared less about the outsiders coming in to pay a visit.

Hyunjin pressed his back on the wall, constantly checking his phone. Beside him was Hyemi, who was wearing a white tucked in sweatshirt with a beige cardigan above it, matching with a pair of jeans. She nervously stood beside the guy while playing with her fingers.

"They are late," Hyunjin sighed for the umpteenth time for that morning. "Even Changbin hyung. I think we should explore around first."

Hyemi only nodded, looking to her side. She was nervous because of two things; she's going to spend the day with Seungmin, and Jeonghoon was there at the carnival. Hyunjin chuckled when seeing the girl fidgeting so he took her hand in his, reassuring her. "Don't worry, they will come soon."

After a few minutes, probably ten minutes, their other friends arrived but Hyemi and Hyunjin are nowhere to be seen. Seungmin knocked on Jisung's head. "Told you we're gonna be late."

"Chill, it's not like the carnival's running away." Felix said, pulling them in. The field were already flooded but they immediately spotted two figures talking. "Changbin hyung! Channie!" The freckled boy ran towards them and attacked both guys in a hug.

"He missed them too much." Jeongin mumbled under his breath, looking around. "There are so much things to look at. Where should we start first?"

"Aren't you supposed to walk with Hyunjin?" Jisung questioned.

The younger guy nodded, "He texted me he and Hyemi arrived early but.. I don't know." he shrugged, walking towards Chan and Changbin. Jisung did the same, leaving Seungmin who was still looking around to search for the girl. Groaning, he took out his phone and texts her.

seungmin: where are you?

On the other hand, Hyemi had read the message and told Hyunjin about it. But being the mischievous guy he let him be and dragged her to somewhere else.

"Hyunjin, he's looking for us."

"Oh, let him be." he chuckled, earning a sigh from the girl. "Do you want some marshmallow choco dips?" Hyemi's eyes immediately lit up at the mention and pulled him there, immediately forgetting about Seungmin.

After buying them Hyunjin could feel his phone in his pocket buzzing. He took it out while his other hand carefully holding the party cup and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Where's Hyemi?" Seungmin asked instantly. The taller guy laughed and turned at her, who was giving a questioning look.

"I'm kidnapping her for awhile." With that Hyemi got a hint who's he talking to.

"Hyunjin I swear-"

"Chill, she's safe with me. We'll see you guys later."


Hyunjin hung up. The girl chuckled at his action. "Are you sure he's not gonna be mad?"

"Nah, when he sees you he'll be fine."

She blushed at the statement. "N-nonsense."

Hyunjin smirked, "Both of you are so oblivious, you know that? Clearly you like each other."

"No!" she accidentally raised her voice and the people around them look at her. Feeling embarrassed, she pulled Hyunjin elsewhere. "That's embarrassing."

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