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edited 22aug21

• chapter 2: chenle's a dolphin

It was dismissal and together with Jeno we had to clean the class. Lucky for us today there's no rubbish on the floor since the teacher during the last subject had asked them to pick up the rubbish on the floor and throw them away. So we just arranged the desks and put the chair on them.

After bidding goodbyes with my seatmate he ran out from the school entrance, probably catching his bus. While me, my house is nearby here so I just had to walk

Then I spotted a familiar figure in front of the gate, waiting for someone. A small smile made its way to my face as I see Seungmin standing while looking around.

"Seungminnie I captured you!"

A girl suddenly ran up to him with a camera in her hand. My eyes followed her steps and it's Minha eonnie, the one Jeno had talked about earlier. I've never seen Seungmin with her and this was the first time.

Jeongin was with them and when Minha approaches him, my heart broke apart.

Seungmin wrapped his arms around her waist and giggled.

I stopped on my tracks and Jeongin turned around, his eyes meeting mine. He suddenly smiled at me, showing off his eye smile.

My world stopped for awhile. Not because of the smile, but because of what I'm witnessing right now.

Seungmin had never gotten closer to any girl.

Shaking my head Lightly, I turned on my heels and walked away. I don't even realise that I just ignored Jeongin.

But Seungmin was not even mine in the first place. Why am I disappointed? He don't even know me, or most likely my name. He never acknowledge me. Why am I being sad?

Is this what what you feel when you're liking someone?

That's why I don't like of liking someone. But Seungmin just had to appear into my live.

I couldn't resist his existence. His presence just made my heart beats faster than the usual. Whenever he enters the class there's something in his eyes that attracted me to look into them. To know him more but obviously I have no chance of doing so.

Upon reaching my house I heard footsteps running towards the door and it opened, revealing two cute kids.


"Hey boys," I picked up one of my twin brothers, Hongjoong. "What did you guys do today?"

"Nothing!" Hongjoo exclaimed, arms spreading wide. "Hyunjae bullied me!"

"I did not!" the older protestes and pouted. "Hongjoo threw my toys in the bushes!"

I giggled looking at my two cute brothers. Hyunjae pulled my uniform sleeves and made grabby hands. "I want a lift up too!"

"Later, okay? I just got from school and need to shower first." I booped their noses and put Hongjoong down. "Don't fight. Where's Chenle?"

"Hyung's sleeping." Hongjoo giggled and whispered something in his brother's ear. Then both of them laughed but closed their mouths using their hands afterwards, looking at me wide eyed.

I smiled mischeviously and ru
an after them. The laughter of the two kids filled the air and honestly it calm me so much. Hearing them laughing made me feel half of my problems are gone for awhile. They are the treasures in my life.

Hyunjae screamed when I scooped him in my arms. "Tell me, what did you do?"

The little boy shook his head no and laughed.

"Not telling?"

"No! Hahaha!" Hyunjae pushed his body away from me, forcing me to put him down. "Noona! Go to hyung's room!"

"I'm bringing you." I laughed evilly and he screamed again. Ouch my ears.

We arrived at Chenle's current room (which is actually the guest room) and Hongjoong hid behind my legs as he stifled a laugh. Walking closer, I could see the boy's face is full of colored marker. They drew a moustache and moles here and there. I stared at both of them in disbelief.

Hyunjae got off from my arm and ran away, dragging Hongjoong. I sighed as I looked back at Chenle. They even colored his cheeks pink. Oh my god.

"Chenle, wake up." I shook his body. He stirred in his sleep and hugged a pillow beside him. "Yah!"

"What.." he mumbled.

"It's already evening! Wake up!"

There's silence.

I groaned and pulled both his arms until he rolled down on the floor. A loud bump was heard before he opened his eyes fully.

"What the hell.." he squinted his eyes at me. "It hurts, idiot."

"The reality hurts." I admitted. "Wake up. You let those kids play around in the house without your watch."

He crossed his legs onto one another and looks down, still wanting to go to sleep. "You should look at your face."

He immediately looked up to me with wide eyes, as if there's already something in his head. Quickly getting up, he ran to the bathroom before I heard a dolphin scream.


Rip my ears for the third time today. All thanks to my one and only cousin who is currently on his holiday, Zhong Chenle.


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