• t w e n t y e i g h t

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edited 23aug21

• chapter 28: a hurtful dinner


My cheeks heat up while watching Seungmin walked away. Did he really just do that?

Oh my god my heart.

Seungmin just patted my hair and not gonna lie, I like the way he did it to me.

Crap, am I a creep?

Kim Seungmin, what are you doing to me ㅠ.ㅠ


We haven't talked much since that day. I didn't know how to approach him. I'm afraid if I'm too awkward to face him.

But last night my mom said I should invite Seungmin over for tonight's dinner.


I didn't talk much to Jeongin and obviously he kept asking me what's wrong. Tell me, how do I tell him?

It was dismissal and I purposely packed my things slowly. I wanted to talk to Seungmin, but I'm too shy.

Jeongin already left and Seungmin was about to follow him, but I quickly tugged on his bag.

He turned his head back and when seeing me, he fully turned his body facing me. "Yes?"

This is awkward.

"I-uh.. are you free tonight?" I asked in a small voice.

He nodded. "Why?"

"W-well you see.. my mom kinda.. invite you for tonight's dinner." I said, looking away from him.

Please say no please say no.

"Me?" he asked in disbelief, pointing a finger towards his chest. I nodded.

"It's okay if you don't wanna come. I will just tell my mom you're busy and you'll be free. Yay."

Seungmin blinked his eyes twice before chuckling. "Of course I'll come. No one lies to their mother."

Okay I'm embarrassed.

"Oh. Okay." I averted my gaze and walk passed him. I can't hold this anymore. I can't face him normally.

As I thought I'm alone, suddenly I feel someone pulling my arm, stopping me for awhile to catch up with me. Seungmin casually walked beside me while his one hand clutching on the strap of his bag.

"You didn't tell me when."

"O-oh. We have dinner at seven. You can come before that."

He nodded and flashed me a smile.

Oh my heart.

That night I only wear my purple knitted sweater. It's the most comfortable one and I think it would fits the dinner. I mean, it's just a friendly invite. Nothing else.

Seungmin arrives 10 minutes before seven and I'm not lying. He looked smol in the blue sweatshirt. I feel like hugging him.

Stop being a creep, girl.

"Seungmin, come in!" my mom appeared from the kitchen. My dad was already at the table, looking up and gave the guy a smile.

"Hi, I'm Seungmin, Hyemi's classmate." he bowed.

He looked a bit awkward. To avoid that I pulled him straight towards the dining table and sat beside him. My brothers ran down, squealing when seeing their favourite dish.

"Food, food, food!" Hyunjae chanted, followed by Hongjoong. Seungmin giggled,

"They are adorable."

"But noisy." I finished while setting the plated for the twins.

And throughout the dinner,

something I never expected happen.



"Thank you for inviting me, Mr Jung, Mrs Jung." I smiled and glanced towards Hyemi who's still in the kitchen, scrolling something in her phone.

Her mother smiled and pat my head. I tense up but made it less unnoticed. "It's great to have you over, Seungmin. We never get to know more about Hyemi's friends."

I feel guilty.

They moved to the living room and I carefully made my way to the kitchen. I haven't moved much around in this house and it was awkward.

Especially after what her parents had said during the dinner.

Hyemi was sitting on the kitchen counter with her back facing me. She seemed fine, but I don't think she is.

"Hyemi-ah," I called her and she raised her left hand to wipe something on her cheek.


I looked around and when seeing there were only two of us there, I asked, "Can I sit here too?"

She nodded and gave some space for me to sit on the top. Once I settled down, she turned off her phone. "Just forget what you heard."

I hummed in response. But I think we both know I won't forget that.

What kind of parents compare their own child with another person's child? That's ridiculous.

"You know, it's fine. I won't tell anyone."

"That's not the problem now," she kept her voice low while swinging her legs back and forth. "They just don't see my effort, it hurts."

With that she sobbed quietly. This was the second time. I worriedly glanced towards the living room and after making sure her family was immersed with the show, I jumped off the counter and faced her. "Don't cry."

"I'm trying not to." she heartedly laughed as she wiped her tears. "It just came out."

Ugh, I'm really bad at comforting people.

Gathering my courage, I took her hands in mine. I could feel my heart beat faster than usual and my hands were slightly trembling. I couldn't see her reaction as I was looking at our linked hands.

Her hands were soft. I ran my thumbs on the skin with a small smile. "Even if they don't see it, you know how hard you've been working."

When her parents started to compare us, I began to notice the things she did before. Jeongin always help with her studies in class, the English test, the curfew she mentioned before and the night where she cried.

I thought she's happy all the time.

"It's okay to feel like that sometimes. If you thought you aren't doing enough then you might be wrong. Because I'm your classmate, I sit next to you and I saw you everyday in class. You gave it all on your studies. Even in P.E class you don't play badminton that much anymore because you'd be doing some exercise."

She giggled at that, "Were you stalking me?"

"I had to take the attendance, Hyemi. Class president's job." I looked up to her and see her smiling. This time I feel like my heart is going to jump out at every seconds. I gripped her hand tighter. "So if you can, don't listen to them that much. You know yourself more."

She nodded. "Thanks."


"This doesn't seems like you though."

I scoffed as I intertwined our fingers together oh my god kim seungmin what are you doing-

"It's just a one time thing."


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