s e v e n t e e n

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edited 22aug21

• chapter 17: first sunset... together


I laid on the girl, letting out a small sigh. Finally the photoshoot for his project ends with this sunset theme.

"Are you coming?" He asked from behind.

"Just go. I wanna stay here for awhile." I replied and covered my eyes with my arms. He brought me to a hill where no one usually goes and from here we could see half of the city. The forest was at the right and left, leaving a clear grass path in the middle. It's spacey and calming here.

How did he find great places?

"Are you sure?" He asked again and I hummed. "Alright then."

Then I heard footsteps walking away.

Wait is he serious.

I quickly gkot up from my laying position. There's no way I'm gonna return alone in the dark. Worse, leaving me in the forest. I thought this guy would be a gentleman to at least wait for a little longer and let me enjoy the sunset here.


Seungmin, who's sitting beside me raised a brow, quietly asking what's wrong. I immediately felt my blood rushing up to my face. "I thought you're really gonna leave me alone."

He snorted, "You are not so brave to be alone here." he said. The sunset ray reflected to his face and honestly he looks.. ethereal.


I bit my lower lip and looked down to my fingers twisted onto one another on my lap. I really want to look at him but..

"Seungmin, can I use your camera for awhile?" I found myself speak out of sudden. He turned to me and my eyes widened, clapping my hands over my mouth. "T–that's n-not me I s-sw–"

He gave his camera, stopping my stuttering. "Be careful with it." he warned before looking back to where he was staring at with his hands behind him, supporting his body. I carefully took the camera and did my own photoshoot of him.

Am.. am I being creepy? I mean, I literally am taking pictures of him without his consent but using his camera. I'm not gonna keep this photos.

Shaking my head, I walked near the forest after taking a few photos of him and the sunset. Guess snapping a few flowers of sunset does not hurt.

Without me realising I begin to walk in further.

Seungmin (woot woot)

Is this allowed?

This was my hangout place with my two best friends, Jeongin and Minha. None of our friends had gone here yet because this is supposed to be a secret place between us three. But I brought Hyemi here.

I had no idea where to shoot the sunset theme other than here. This hill is the only perfect place, and I had no choice. I'm not breaking our childish friendship rules, right?

A sigh escaped my lips as the sun was setting lower and lower, leaving the shade of deep orange on the horizon. I do think this is wrong. Wrong because I chose to hide this project partner from my group friends, as if I didn't want anyone to know what happened between us.

I was not lying when I said I only know her and Solhee in this school. I've been spending my school days here with my friends and Minha. That's it. I like Minha and my attention was all on her. But now she's already in university, it feels like something is missing.

It hurts when knowing she loves Minho hyung. The moment they started to grow fond to each other, that was the beginning of my breaking point.

Until now I still feel the piece of it.

It's not easy to let someone go. Especially for someone who you'd known since you were kid.

The dark shade of blue conquered the sky. I grabbed my camera bag and stood up while brushing off the dirts from my white pants.

This is the weird thing. How did we get to wear matching clothes? I chose to wear my red flannel with white shirt and pants, and too coincidentally, Hyemi chose the same outfits, except for her black jeans. It looked like we were going to a.. date.

Oh god.

"Let's go. It's already dark." I said and turned around, hoping to see my camera in a good condition because she's awfully quiet right now.

But there's no one.

I froze, my eyes wandering around before I realise something.


No answer.


I walked into the forest on my left while trying to call her number, but the signal bar is zero. I switched on the flashlight on my phone and pointed it everywhere. It was too dark and deep. If I go in further I might be lost and worse, she might be on the other side of the forest.

I should not have brought her here.

Slowly taking a step forward, I tried to calm myself down, silently praying that I'm in the right forest.

"Hyemi? Are you here?" I called out while flashing to the ground and to the front occasionally. My heart beats faster. I've never done this thing alone at nights. School camps are way too different from this.

Some rustling noises are heard and I could feel goosebumps. That might be snakes, might be the wind.

I think I'm being a coward now.

I called her name once again after two minutes or so walking into the forest.

But still, there was no answer.

Where is she?


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