f o r t y n i n e

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edited 28aug21

• chapter 49: take me back

The tip of the pen pressed against the paper. He moves hid hand to write something but nothing came out.

Seungmin leaned his back against the bench. Again, he ditched a class but now he chose the rooftop, no longer the infirmary room. He wanted to write something.

The day before he didn't come to school. Too sad at the thoughts of leaving. Of course he received tons of unread messages and missed calls but he only answered them at night.

He hates leaving people.

He doesn't like people leaving him, and he hates it when he needs to do that.

Looking at the paper, it was now scribbled with small drawings and words that come out from his mind. Most of them are Jung Hyemi.

Gosh, he really missed her.

Seungmin flipped to the next page and started to write down a letter. If he really needed to go, at least he has the letter to give her. For her to keep.

But after two minutes of writing he tore the page and threw it away.

I want to talk to her.


It's the last class for today.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" Jeongin asked.

"It's fine. I can bring them alone." Hyemi smiled a bit. That morning they had a small talk where the girl explained what happened to Jeonghoon that night. She apologised for ignoring him and being the softie Jeongin, of course he forgave her. That made her feel relief and talked to Felix and Jisung afterwards.

She received the same reaction as Jeongin and Felix being cuddly buddy he hugged her tight, promising to protect her. Just like that, she feels comfortable back being with them. She planned to talk to Seungmin,

but he disappeared after the lunch with his bag. She went to the infirmary but he wasn't there. Her worries started to grow until Jeongin said Seungmin just went home as he wasn't feeling well. What she did not know about was Jeongin also had no idea where he was. He just didn't want to make her feel anxious.

"See you next week then." Jeongin bid goodbye and left, wanting to search for Seungmin. Hyemi sighed as she wore her bag and brings the exercise books to the teacher's office.

"Why can't she just do it alone? Does she know her room is far from here? Geez." she babbled, unsatisfied with the teacher's pick. "Ask some boy next time. This is heavy."

Oh how she wished to say that in front of the teacher. She walked passed the locker hallway and had the urge to leave the books on the floor and just go home but she knew she wouldn't dare to do that.

The office was already empty. Hyemi puts the book on the table and left. When she said it was far, she meant it. The office was at the opposite side of her class. And it's been quite a long time since her last exercise. Her arms were a bit sore from the heavy books.

Reaching the locker hallway, she saw someone leaning next to her locker while looking down to his feet. Her eyes widened and she quickly hid behind the wall, peeking a bit.

What is he doing here?!

She leaned her back on the wall, taking a deep breath. She absolutely had no idea why Seungmin was here. Jeongin just told her he went home. Then who's the guy at her locker? His ghost?

Hyemi tried to act natural and eventually walked to her locker. She pretended not to see Seungmin and took out some books for her to revise at home. On the other hand, Seungmin just stared at his shoes not saying anything. He didn't know how to say about the moving to her. Either she will not care about it, or she will.

He fears the rejection.

Especially from the girl he likes.

When the girl closed her locker door, Seungmin spoke up, "I have something to tell."

She stopped in her track and her heartbeat increased. She didn't know why she had a bad feeling about this.

Seungmin stood straight, facing her with a drained expression. Absolutely looked like he didn't have energy left. His face was pale and his eyes were puffy. Worried thoughts played in her mind. She wanted to know what happened but she chose to wait.

"I'm leaving."

Just with the two words Hyemi could feel the time stop moving for awhile. She looked at him in disbelief. No way Seungmin would joke around when they were not even on talking terms. Especially with the condition of his right now.

There was a long silence before he looked down, avoiding her eyes. "To LA." he continued, voice cracking. Seconds after she heard sobs coming from him as he gripped his bag's strap tighter.

Her heart was heavy yet she couldn't move a muscle to comfort him. The news struck her so sudden, didn't even give a chance for her to fix the damage they both had done towards their friendship. And now he's leaving?

She hugged her books closer to her chest, trying to prevent from the tears to fall. A guy crying is so rare. And she almost can't believe it Seungmin is crying in front of her.

Don't leave, please.

She wanted to say the words, but it won't come out.

"If.. it's for your own good then—"

"Shut up." he hissed, not liking what she's going to say. "You like the idea of me leaving Korea? You really don't care about it?"

"I.." she couldn't find the right words she really wanted to say and that broke him.

"Do you.. really hate me that much after what happened?" his voice became lower, already feeling defeated by the lack of sleep's effects. "Can't you be the reason for me to stay?"


He took a step forward to leave and Hyemi could predict what would happen. Quickly she held Seungmin from falling, causing him to rest his head on her shoulder. His breath almost turned into a pant.

She slipped her books into her bag and supported him with both her hands. His eyes were almost closing, concerning her. When she put a hand on his forehead, she gasped. "You're burning."

His hands swiftly wrapped around her waist, hugging her close. "Please.." he sniffed. "Beg me to stay."

"Y-you have a fever." she tried to detach the hug. "Let's get you home."

"I don't want to leave." he whispered, closing his eyes as more tears fell. "I– I don't want to leave you. Please... make me s-stay.."

Finally the pooled water in her eyes escape. Slowly her hand went up to his back and stroke him gently, trying not to make any sound. She could feel the guy tightened the hug but then it loosen a bit.

"Take me back.." he said before fainting.


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