t w e n t y s e v e n

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edited 23aug21

• chapter 27: again, a secret

I wanted to hug her, to comfort her but something inside me was stopping me.

She did not move even an inch from her spot. I pursed my lips and took a step forward to do what my heart told me to. But suddenly the door opened and her cousin came out.

"Hyemi, oh my god." the guy engulfed her with a hug. Seeing that made my heart twitch in a way, but I couldn't do anything.

Hyemi cried on his chest, and the guy seems like he already knows what's going on. Of course, they are cousins. But why did it still hurt to see that?

"Seungmin, right?" he asked. I just nodded. "Thank you for bringing her home. I really appreciate that."

I nod again, and left. Walking home this late was not a problem but I still didn't feel good. That was my first time seeing Hyemi breaking down. She's usually cheerful.

Is that why she had been down for today? She didn't talk much earlier.

From the way she talked I'm sure she didn't like it when her parents left them, moreover left her brothers in her care. Everyone does not like that, but why was she so stressed?

I kicked the pebble on the road, still feeling angry at myself for not be able to comfort her earlier. Why am I so slow? Why can't I comfort a crying friend?

As soon as I reached my home I took a quick shower and plopped on the sofa with the sandwich I made. It may not be the best dinner, but I'm doing what I can. I didn't want burden my cousins for giving me so much money. Even this house is enough.

About Hyemi's situation earlier, I think I can understand her a bit.

Because I don't have any parents. They died when I was ten.

And the feeling of wanting to be loved by parents..

I'm longing for it. So much.


The next day Hyemi looked much better. If I wasn't there when she was breaking down, I wouldn't have known that she has problems.

She's smiley all day. Even Jeongin is cracking at her jokes.

I somehow felt relief when seeing her laughing like that but I still couldn't forgive myself for not helping her yesterday. It may seem a small thing but for all this time she has been doing to me, I think I should return a favor to her.

Hyemi made me forget the thing that's bothering me the most.

Minha with her boyfriend, Minho hyung.

I just realised I haven't thought of them too much these days because she's distracting me away from them. Is that why Jeongin wants her to befriend with me?

The recess bell rang and student rushed out from the class. I stayed put on my place while Jeongin walked out, saying he wants to have lunch with Jeno. That means I have to go to the dining hall alone to meet up with the others.

I walked out but abruptly stop when Hyemi was leaning on the wall next to the door. When she saw me she smiled.

"Can you help me?" she asked. I nodded and she continued, "Don't.. tell anyone about last night."

I stared at her for a second and she was flustered. A smile crept up on my face. "Can I ask?"


"Was the reason you were distracted has something to do with your parents?"

She remained silent as she looked at me with a hint of shock. Then she averted her gaze, nodding her head. "It's frustrating. Sometimes I feel burned out from the work they left for me."

Ah, now I understand.

"No one knows though." she looked back at me. "Except for Heejin and Mia. I don't want people to know about this so will you keep it as a secret?"

I get why. She's always cheerful even she didn't have that much friends. Just by seeing her with Jeongin I could tell she's really outgoing with the person she's closed to.

"Of course I won't, dummy." I pat her head and she froze. With that I quickly retreated my hand.


"I- I'm sorry." I said before walking away with heat creeping up my face.


"Where were you yesterday?" Hyunjin asked while munching on his bread. "We had an arcade play but you were not there with Jeongin. But we all know Jeongin has gathering that night."

I looked at them in confusion. "You guys were the one who left me..?"

"We promised to meet at the cafe after school ends. Were you not listening during lunch?"

"Did you say that?"

"He wasn't." Jisung giggled. "What were you thinking at that moment? You were spacing out."

I gave him a weird look and kind of unsatisfied with Hyunjin's answer. I swear I did not hear anything about the arcade hangout yesterday.

"I saw him yesterday, with Hyemi. So I thought why not we give them some moments together." Felix snickered, and the guys made whistling sounds, earning attention from the students.

"Just date already." Jisung nudged me.

I ignored these idiots. Why am I friends with them?

"Also, I saw Jeonghoon." Felix said, suddenly gaining a serious moment. "He was with one of the guys you were having rest with."

"Jeno?" I questioned and he nodded.

"I mean, he's not bad news but I still hate him for what he had done to Minha." the deep voiced shrugs.

Jisung turned to me, "Did you know they are friends?"

I shook my head. "But I heard Jeno mentioning his name yesterday. I just couldn't ask him."

"I think I know why he's here," Hyunjin sighed. "We're having a carnival and the alumni are invited. But Minho hyung told me both him and Minha can't attend it so I think it's fine.. for now."

"I think it's really fine." Jisung said. "He only goes for Minha, not one of us. That's gay."

"Says you and Minho last year." Felix teased and the squirrel guy snorted.

"We were just joking!"

"Until Minha fell for the prank. That was so good." Hyunjin laughed, and the tense are gone just like that.

But I don't think it's fine. I hated Jeonghoon, and I still do.

Also, he was not after Minha. He was after me.


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