f i f t e e n

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edited 22aug21

• chapter 15: he's so cold

The next place he brought me to was a night park. It was not too far from the food stalls. There were a few people walking there with hands in hands. So romantic but then there's me and Seungmin to do some photoshoot.

There was a small hallway in the middle with fairy lights hanging on the lamp post. I looked at the night scenery in awe. Without me realising I already walked at the path with imagines running wild in my mind. Imagine me and my future husband spending our date here with arms clinging onto each other. It sounds dumb but isn't it romantic?

Whenever I imagine things like that a smile would automatically appear on my face. Mia and Heejin often talk about it to tease me but I care less when they do that. They already have boyfriends so they won't be experiencing what other single people like me feel anymore.

A strong wind gushed on my face and I closed my eyes to enjoy to small moment. These days I barely go out at nights so I have to use this time to feel the night breeze. It doesn't feel the same from my balcony at the second level. This is more calming.

I should thank Seungmin for bringing me here even it's just for a photoshoot.

Right, speaking of Seungmin, where is he? Did I lost him again?

I turned to my left and froze for a few seconds, seeing he has his camera up while snapping a few photos at my direction. A blush crept up my face and he put his camera down, looking at me.

"You're doing great." he smiled.

"I- I didn't do anything?"

He chuckled and shook his head. "You're my model, and I must say you're good at doing candid So just walk and I'll take your pictures."

"That- that's not count as candid!" I stuttered.

"Then what?"

I don't know.

"W-whatever." I heard the guy chuckled a bit before calling me.

"No more candid then. Pose something natural."

I turned back to him with my eyes slightly widen. "H-how do I do that?"

"Just pose? Like your friends taking pictures of you?"

That's the problem. I don't know how to do that. But.. trying won't hurt.. right?

"Tell me if I look awkward." I mumbled, loud enough for him to hear. He just nodded and indicated me to sit on a bench which had trees with more fairy lights next to it. I sat, and examined the tree beside me. The yellow lights were blinding my eyes but not in a hurtful way. I've never known this park exist. It's actually a perfect place for a date, or a family night picnic.

"Loosen up and smile." Seungmin said as he crouched down a few metres away in front of me. I tried my best but failed. Sighing, I stood up.

"Can I do this instead?" I stretched out my arms to hold the leaves while standing on my tip toes. Seungmin put down his camera for awhile and blinked twice.

Please don't find me weird.

"Sure. Not bad." he said and my heart jumped in excitement. He took a few snaps before moving closer to me. I ignored my helpless heart and just proceed on smiling and doing some natural pose which surprisingly turns out pretty good. He even took a few close up of my face.

He checked the photos and I nervously fiddled my fingers with each other as I watched his reaction. Then I saw a smile appearing on his face and he looked at me in the eyes.

"They are great!"

Just the three words came out from his mouth could make me break into a smile.

The small photoshoot went on for a few more minutes, adding the time where he took close up photos of the flowers at a small garden located not far from the park. My heart felt at ease watching the kids playing bubbles with their families and I begin to imagine I do that with my family. Just imagine Hyunjae and Hongjoo being a noise of laughter with me and my parents.

It would be great.

A sad smile formed on my face before Seungmin called my name. It sounded soothing. I like the way he calls me because of his soft voice. Another thing that could make me calm.

"I think we are do-"

"Seungmin," I breathed out and he stopped talking. "Thank you for bringing me here. I really enjoyed it."

Call me emotional, but this is what I really feel.

He seems stunned for awhile before nodding slowly. "You know I brought you here for this project."

Of course I do. But that makes me happy. Even only for awhile.

I let out a dry chuckle and looked away. Only my best friends know what I really feel about this. I couldn't blame Seungmin for being a mood breaker and we are not even close to be friends. To ignored the small pain in my heart, and changed the subject, "Are we doing this tomorrow?"

He hummed. "A summer and a sunset concept."

"That means I have to change my outfits."

"I-if you're okay-"

"I'm okay, I'm fine with it," I cut him off, "I don't have anything to do so it's fine. Just text me when and where." I said as we head back to where the bus stop is.

"Actually, I still don't have your number," he admitted. I knew it. He wouldn't come up to Jeongin to ask for my number.

"I'll give it to you later then." I replied, not bothering to show any reactions. I just felt happy a few moments ago and when we have to leave it makes me sad, plus when Seungmin told me it's only for photoshoot. I'm so sensitive.

I wonder why he didn't allow me to let his friends know about this. Is working with me have to keep as a secret? Or is he embarrassed for working with me?

I mean, he already showed signs he kinds of despise me from last year. Even during the first week he left Jeongin because he interacted with me.

You shouldn't jump into conclusions, Hyemi.

I let out a small sigh as I internally scolded myself. Right, I shouldn't do that. He probably has reasons.


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