e i g h t e e n

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edited 22aug21

• chapter 18: in the woods


With the camera hanging on my neck, I covered it using one hand. Seungmin won't like it if there's any scratch on this precious thing. He would be heartbroken and mad.

I flashed around, trying to find my way out. It had been thirty minutes since I stuck in here and honestly it scared me. But I can't rely on Seungmin to find me. It's hard due to the dark. He might be searching for me or asking for some help. But in this forest, is there any line?

I'm so stupid for walking in here just to take photos of flowers. There were so much things to snap outside there yet I chose the forest. Great, just great.

As I was walking on the dried leaves and twigs, I felt something is running on my shoes. I squeaked and quickly flashed down, only to see a small squirrel looking up to me.

Those cheeks- it reminds me of Jisung.

My heart beat slowed down a bit and I crouched to pick the little guy up. Surprisingly, it obeyed me and got on my palm.

"Hey there, I'm lost here," I told the squirrel even I know it'd never understands. It tilted his head a bit and continued to nibble on its food in the small paws. "I wish you could understand and talk to me because I really don't know where I am now." I sighed and started to walk.

I've tried to look for at least a light either small or not for me to walk there, but there's none.

Shivers ran down my spine as I heard weird noises from the bushes. I pointed my flashlight to where the noise comes from, but nothing came out.

This is scary. Too scary. Even I have my small little friend here it didn't help.

A sudden anxiety build up in my body and tears began to pool at my eyes. I wiped the tears away but they only gather again, ignoring my mind that shouts don't cry!

Don't cry, don't cry. You're not weak.

"Just great." I groaned and sniffled. If I'm crying now then I wouldn't find the way back. The signal bar is still zero, indicating I'm still far from the outside.

Gathering my courage, I flashed to the front again when I see a white figure standing in front of me.

What the fuc--


"Don't scream!"

"Go away! Don't near me!" My tears rolled down my cheeks as I fell on my butt, scooting away from the figure. Is that ghost? Shit I'm not ready!


"No!" I swatted the thing away. Why is it holding my arm?!

"Hyemi! It's me!"

"No!" I hugged my legs and buried my face on my knees. "D- don't.."

The atmosphere went quiet for awhile but my body was still trembling. I couldn't face this. This is too much. I can't walk anymore. I don't want to face other creatures. Someone please teleport me away from this haunted forest.

"Hyemi," the voice called again. My breath hitch when they grabbed my hand. I wanted to push them away but they held it tighter. "It's Seungmin, you weirdo."


I slowly raised my head up from my knees, peeking at the figure in front of me. The flashlight from my phone on the ground illuminated his worried face while kneeling to me.

"S- seungmin?" my voice trembled.

He nodded and I cried again.

"Don't cry, why are you crying?" his soft voice greeted my ears as he tore my hands off from hugging my legs.

I shook my head as feelings welled up in me. Why is he here? Was he looking for me? Why would he do that?

"Sorry.." I whispered, loud enough for him to hear.

Seungmin picked up my phone from the ground and turns the flashlight off. He then put my phone in my hand before wrapping his arms around my body. "Don't cry. I'm sorry for losing you."

My tears were not giving up on me. They kept falling as I felt his hand gently stroke my back.

This feels.. home.

I missed the feeling someone so dear hugging me.

My sobs eventually quieten down as we sit there in complete silence, in the middle of the forest.

"Are you okay now?" he asked, his chest vibrating as he spoke.

I nodded slowly, not wanting for him to let me go but there's nothing I could do. We are stuck in here and need to find a way out.

Seungmin pulled away and wiped the tears away. My heart fluttered at his sudden action. This.. this is Seungmin, right?

"Let's go, it's getting late. We don't want your family to worry."

Believe me Seungmin, they only worry about my grades.

He helped me up and brushed his own pants. I feel bad for him. Probably his white pants were full of dirt right now.

As I was about to speak he suddenly puts his arm around my shoulder, holding me close as we started to walk. This might not be the right time, but I feel my cheeks heat up in this cold night.

"D- do you know the way out?"

"I came from this way. Don't worry, we'll find it." he said before throwing another smile at me.

We walked in silence until we felt the wind hitting our faces. My eyes slightly widened as I look up to him, "Are we near?"

He nodded and I squealed, "Thank you!"

He chuckled a bit and ruffled my hair, "Next time don't go in there. It's dangerous. Who would have known what's in there."

"Squirrels," I blurted out as I remember my five minutes friend. "I met a squirrel before you appeared."

"Oh, is he like Jisung?"

"You thought that too?"

"Everyone thinks like that," he laughed and I swear a could see twinkles in his eyes from the flashlight he's holding. "He's the only squirrel in human form."

I laughed at his statement, as if the incident minutes ago didn't happen. How could he say Jisung like that?

We soon reached the hill where we were at and a sigh of relief escape my lips.


"Sorry about that," I cut him off while holding onto his camera. "If we return earlier we wouldn't have to go through this." I gave him the camera and look down. "And.. I think I did.. take a few photos of you."

I hear the strapped of the bag stops halfway as I said the last sentence. My fingers were sweating again. I shouldn't have done that. He must be thinking I'm a creep.

"It's fine, really."


I looked up, only to see him smiling. The cute smile.

"If we didn't stay here longer then you wouldn't be seeing the sunset. And I've taken so much photos of you. It's not a big deal." he reassured me.

My cheeks heat up for the umpteenth time as he said that. Slowly, a smile crept on my face, the most sincere one.

Happy, relief.

"Thanks, Seungmin."


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