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Today was, unfortunately, Saturday. Which meant that in one hour, Hayden would be picking me up and taking me to the giant banquet hall that my parents had blown their money on.

The last week went by too fast for me to enjoy. After my date with Hayden on Sunday, we texted and called every day. Most days, he picked me up from my place and headed to work with me, even if I started earlier than him. We both enjoyed each other's company and I didn't mind telling him about myself, and vice-versa.

Very off track, sorry. Back to the family gathering details.

We barely had ten people if we were including the baby Piper, but that included business partners from family companies, along with the women most men in my family had affairs with while the wife stayed at home with the children, very pregnant with another on the way.

Why be so specific, you ask? Because that was exactly how my parents were before I was even born; my father going to holiday events with his past mistress while Mother was at home, pregnant with me and allowing it for the sake of their public image.

Amazing family, I know. A bunch of fucking saints.

"Excuse me, Ms. Davis," Hayden's deep voice called out from my phone, causing me to jump and turn around. I could see his amused grin. Geez, he had such straight teeth. "You're supposed to help me get ready."

"And you're supposed to be turning away when I take my shirt off but you seem more than willing to stare," I said with a smirk, noticing the way his face turned red before he looked away, clearing his throat. "Just something formal, Hayden. White button-up, black slacks, some shiny shoes... it's nothing too much, okay?"

Hayden hummed, turning his back to me and searching through his closet. I raised an eyebrow, looking over the muscles of his back as he moved. I could see a darker shade of flesh and wanted to see what exactly it was but he turned around too fast, showing me a shirt with pursed lips.

"Something like this?" He asked, making me smile softly at his expectant eyes.

"Yes," I replied. "So, are those tattoos on your back?"

Immediately, he looked away from me and took the shirt off of the hanger, throwing it over his body.

"Uh, yeah," he mumbled, clearing his throat. "It's a dragon."

Oh, God. I must have hit a soft spot. Note to self: don't bring up back tattoos.

"It must be big," I commented, deciding to play with him by glancing down the screen at the waistline of his slacks.

That caught his attention again. I couldn't help but laugh out loud at his burning face. He cleared his throat and fumbled with the buttons on his shirt.

"God, making you blush is my favourite thing," I chuckled out, hearing his childish grunt. "Come on, Hayden, we can't have you blushing that red tonight."

He waved me off. "I know how to put on an act in front of rich money-thirsty people. Have you met my parents?"

"I haven't, actually," I smartly responded, watching him roll his eyes and smile. "Stop getting distracted and get ready."

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