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I didn't want to leave Hayden's house. How is it possible that every single person in his family was an absolute angel? They were fucking perfect and they didn't even try to be...

I ran a hand through my hair and through it up in a high ponytail, deciding to go for a more casual look tonight with a pair of shorts and a white tank top. Lazily wrapped around my waist was a red flannel and to top of the look were my white vans.

"Cassandra," Mother spoke from my bedroom door, making me sigh and slowly turn to face her. As always, her face was caked with makeup for another get together.

"What is it?" I muttered, turning back to the mirror and double-checking everything in my purse.

"Your father's coming home tonight," she said, making me roll my eyes, "and I would appreciate it if you were here when he arrived."

"Yeah, well I don't want to look at him—hell, I've been having a much easier time living in this house without him here," I told her, making Mother roll her eyes and tightly grip my arm.

She turned me around forcefully and I gasped, stumbling slightly before glaring up at her.

"Show your parents some respect, young lady," she scolded. "We've done everything we could to make sure you had everything you needed to be okay financially, we got you into the best programs and considerations for schools—"

"Constantly left me alone in the house to go partying and getting high on drugs when I was a baby," I interrupted, watching her eyes narrow evilly, "remind me every day that you and Father can take everything away from me because you made me who I am, have never been there as real parents because you were too busy getting money out of strangers. Great parenting, Mother."

I shook her off of me, keeping my stare on her face. Her facade had faded, a look of hatred painted on her face as we glared at each other. I knew she hated me. She tells me multiple times whenever she comes home drunk that I ruined her's and Father's lives, and that the only reason they kept me was for the Baby Bonus that they blew on drugs and useless things around the house to make them look fancier.

I didn't care at this point. I was only here until September and then I was gone. They had no importance in my life the same way I had none in theirs, and I know for a fact that they're just waiting for the day I leave to celebrate.

"I have a date with Hayden," I finally spoke up. "But I'm pretty sure you care more about the money in his bank account than who he is as a person. When you see Father, tell him I'll speak with him whenever he actually shows his face out of his office before his next business trip. If you see his fifth mistress, too, tell her I say 'hi'."

Mother was fuming as I grabbed my purse and phone, then began to make my way to the front door. Just as I stepped through the door, she spun me around and sent a slap to my cheek hard enough to turn my head.

Immediately, the stinging came. My eyes squeezed shut to hide the tears and I clenched my jaw, breathing out slowly.

"You're going to listen to me, Cassandra Davis," Mother snapped, grabbing my jaw and harshly turning my head to face her beet-red face. "Your father has made mistakes but there's no reason to bring up his past. He was in a dark place and doesn't need his only daughter to hate him."

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