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Why did I give him my number?

Not once did I ever give one of my workers my number unless they wanted me to cover a shift, so why the hell did my mind just blank when Hayden asked if it was okay? I highly doubted he would need any shifts covered. I don't normally text people, anyway.

So, what the fuck?

I shook the thoughts out of my head and sighed, walking up the steps to my house. I made sure to keep my movements slow so I wouldn't wake anybody up, quickly unlocking the door and slipping inside. I looked around and sighed with relief when I saw that my parents weren't awake, making my way upstairs.

Just as I entered my washroom and began to take off my makeup, my phone shrilled from a notification. With pursed lips, I stared down at the screen and raised an eyebrow at the unknown number.

Hello from the other side...

I rolled my eyes but felt the tiniest of smiles threatening to play on my lips. I finished cleaning my face up and grabbed my phone, walking out of the room and falling face-first into my bed. Then, I texted back:

C: Your first text is really going to be the lyrics to an Adele song? That's strike one, Hayden

When he began to type, then stopped, I chuckled to myself and turned my television on, scrolling through Netflix. Just as I was about to turn on a show, my phone glowed as it showed Hayden's name. I hesitantly grabbed my phone and looked at the message:

I had to at least try lol. Sorry about Ashton, sometimes he doesn't know when to keep his mouth shut

Yeah, no kidding. The guy was a bit too dramatic when I asked why I should even bother giving Hayden my number, saying that he was—quote-unquote—staring like a lost puppy at me. I was still flattered, though. I didn't even realize that Hayden noticed me back in school; he had his small group of friends and seemed to always be crowded with people around him.

That's what happens when your parents are multi-millionaires, though—you're only wanted for what you're worth, not who you are. But luckily for Hayden, he wasn't an idiot and knew that unfortunate truth.

I shook my head, realizing that I got too deep into my own thoughts again. I looked at my phone and responded with something sweet and simple. The poor guy probably had better things to do, I didn't want to bore him.

"Cassandra?" My mother tiredly murmured from behind the bedroom door. "Are you home?"

"Uh, yeah. I'm home," I spoke up, sitting up just as my mother walked in. As always, she had a pound of makeup on her face and sent me a smile that seemed to be forced. "Going out again?"

She nodded her head with a giddy grin, turning on my lights and blinding me. I squinted, biting back my annoyance as she began to use my mirror to fix her way-too-tight black dress.

"Your father and I are going to an exclusive dinner-party tonight," she explained to me. "You know the rules like always, Cassandra. We don't want to come home with the entire liquor cabinet empty and all of your father's prizes shattered again."

Truly His | (Book 2) 18+ Where stories live. Discover now