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Hayden was silent most of our breakfast. I would crack a few jokes that would make him laugh but then would become all silent one again. I don't know who he was on the phone with before we arrive but it was enough to completely ruin his mood. I just didn't want to ask him what it was about in fear that he would get mad and lash out at me.

"Hey," I slowly spoke as I played with my food. "So, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to because I completely understand why you wouldn't want to but—"

"I'm adopted," he told me, finally looking away from his plate of half-eaten pancakes.

My mouth slightly fell open but I decided to purse my lips, my eyebrows pushing together.

"I would have never guessed," I murmured, watching his lips crack into a small smile, "considering you look so much like your father."

Hayden chuckled, shaking his head. "That's because my father and my biological father are brothers."

My eyes grew to the size of ping pong balls. "You mean..."

"My mum—Emara, I mean—was with my biological father for years before getting with my... I'll just call him Kade, this is confusing me. Anyway, my mum was with my biological father Tristan, then Kade, then Tristan again. Kade left for about three years after my mom chose Tristan over him and when he returned, Tristan had already been cheating on my mum with multiple women."

My eyes widened. "Your mom's a savage."

Hayden laughed, making a smile make its way onto my face. "She really is. Thankfully, shit went down after Kade returned from his disappearance and my mother unofficially split up with him one night, which just so happened to be the night... you know..."

His cheeks turned the lightest shade of pink and I chuckled, stealing a piece of his pancake. The boy couldn't even say the words hooked up before beginning to blush.

"I do know, matter of fact," I said to save him the trouble. "So, what? Your parents hooked up that night and have been together ever since?"

I smiled softly when his smile only widened, nodding in agreement.

"Yup," he said. "They had known each other for about ten years before my mum and Tristan got back together. Tristan had left to go to another one of his mistresses when Kade returned and him and my mother were together for about two months before I stumbled upon them."

I pursed my lips. "Was it just a coincidence that you were Tristan's son?"

Hayden shook his head, his smile fading in the slightest bit. "My biological mother dropped me off in front of their apartment and left. They had people look for her just in case she was having second thoughts about giving me away but when they found her, she was on her bathroom floor with a needle hanging in her arm."

I frowned, leaning over and stealing more of his pancakes. Hayden's attitude quickly changed and he laughed for me to stop stealing his food. I then moved my hand to his hand, holding it in mine.

"And your father?" I asked, noticing the grimace on his face. "Sorry. Sperm donor."

Hayden pursed his lips. "Tristan was... is crazy. After he tried to take my mother's life, the court knew for sure that he was incapable of taking care of me. So, Mom and Dad signed the papers and I've been with them ever since. I even got to be the ring bearer at their wedding."

Truly His | (Book 2) 18+ Where stories live. Discover now