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Casey had unfortunately finished with all of her sexy sets after awhile, meaning she was finishing her night off with a very long shower. And, being bored out of my mind, I was lying on the bed, impatiently waiting for Casey.

Fuck, I'm so whipped.

When I texted Mom and Dad, they simply messaged back saying that the two had taken three days away from the house to visit Dad's friends. And since Mel was at Jake's for those days, that meant I had the entire house to myself... well, with Casey, of course.

"Case, can you hurry up?" I groaned from the bed, staring up at the ceiling in boredom.

"Don't rush me, dick!" She called back impatiently.

I couldn't help but chuckle softly and turned the television on, quickly turning on a random show as I waited. Right as the boring episodes were over with and something interesting was beginning to happen, Casey finally walked out in one of my shirts, the piece of fabric giant-looking on her.

It still did no justice to her figure, though.

She sat down beside me, resting her head on my shoulder. Together, we continued watching the show.

"You're quite impatient, young man," Casey teased, kissing my jaw. "I had to rush my peaceful bath time, I'll have you know. My skin doesn't feel as refreshed as it should."

"Well, you still look beautiful so I don't see a difference," I responded, satisfied with the reaction from her as she smiled at me. I rubbed her back, kissing the top of her head next. "You know, I've been thinking about something."

"Yeah?" She said, slightly sitting up and giving me her attention.

"Mhm." My fingers traced over her flesh. "I've been thinking about if you were to stay here for a bit. You know, until you figure out what you can do with your parents and everything."

Casey didn't respond.

"Bud I-I mean, you'd be allowed to stay in the guest room," I continued, biting my lip. "Ashton doesn't actually sleep here because he's roommates with our friend Carson b-but I could arrange it differently if you don't like it. My mum and dad love you anyway so I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind, but you can always stay at a friend's—"

Casey covered my rambling mouth, chuckling to herself. Once she knew I was finished talking, she pulled her hand away and smiled up at me.

"I like the idea of it, Hayden," she agreed, her smile widening when I grinned. "I've been trying to find a place away from them, anyway. Plus, I love your family, they're amazing. And your mom makes the best homemade Mac and Cheese."

I smiled into her hair and kissed her knuckles. "I don't blame you, her Mac and Cheese is fucking amazing. And you didn't have a choice, anyway. I wasn't going to let you go back to that hell house as long as we're together."

"So, never," she said with a grin, causing me to smile even more

"Precisely." I looked over her face, pushing a strand of blonde hair behind her ear. "How are you feeling? I know seeing Tyler must have been awkward for you."

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