twenty-seven (pt. 2)

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"Holy shit," I rasped out, taken aback when Hayden put a water bottle to my lips. He  tilted it back as I chugged, moaning as its coldness slid down my throat.

"What... happened?" I breathed to him, feeling him wipe a few strands from my sweaty face.

Hayden dabbed all of it away with a cold cloth, smiling sheepishly at me.

"You passed out," he replied, wiping my chest with the cloth.

I sighed as the coolness sank into my skin, making me shiver. Well, not that I wasn't already shaking.

"How long?" I mumbled, my thighs clenching when he began to clean up my release and sweat from my naval down.

The fact that he went from completely dominating my body with his fingers and mouth alone and now he's taking care of me...

How the hell is it that this Hayden is the same as that Hayden?

I soon became painfully aware of the giant erection that was pressed against my back. And with that came everything I suddenly wanted him to do to my body.

Hayden pushing every last delicious inch into my sore pussy. Pounding ruthlessly. Daring me to tell him it's too much.


"Not long," he responded, pulling me out of my dirty thoughts. "Two or three minutes, more or less. I can tell you now that this proves that you'll never not be a screamer."

I tried to smile but my lips parted in pleasure when he began to wipe down there. If anything, I thought I'd be numb to the pleasure after what Hayden just did but it's only ten times better—more sensitive to his touch.

"Shit," I whined, feeling him pause.

My legs had just stopped shaking and now they were trembling for more? I'll never understand the female body.

"You can't possibly want more," he mused, hearing me whimper in response. My hips jerked up when Hayden continued to clean me up, his focus directed more on my clit.

"Ah," I gasped out, feeling him move its coldness down to my entrance to clean it next.

"Hm," he hummed out, ditching the cloth and using his fingers again.

I moaned loudly, my neck craning and my head falling on his shoulder.

"Spread those legs, Case," he urged, groaning to himself when I immediately listened, spreading them as far as I could. "Good girl. Fuck, look how needy you still are for my cock. Is that what you want?"

I nodded desperately, moaning and biting my lip when he slapped my pussy lightly.

"You know how to use your mouth," he muttered, his other hand gripping my neck. "So use it."

I whined, my hips desperately lifting when he pulled his hand away. God, I was already a fucking mess and he's barely touched me.

"Yes," I finally let out, crying with relief when his fingers were back against me, rubbing me roughly. "Yes, that's what I want, Hayden."

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