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The moment my eyes opened, they rested on the beautiful angel asleep on my chest. Her dirty blonde hair was a complete mess and her face was pressed against my left pec, the tiniest of snores leaving her lips every so often.

How the hell could someone look so adorable sleeping?

I shifted under her and she whined tiredly, rolling off of me and onto her stomach, throwing the blankets over her head.

Was she sore? Maybe she wanted to take a bath and a nice breakfast. Girls probably like that...

I sat up, glancing at her hidden figure. I pulled the blankets down slightly and kissed her shoulder blade, then her shoulder. Casey tiredly whined again, burying her face in the pillows, and I smiled before standing up.

After throwing on a pair of sweats, I went downstairs and put my earbuds in, playing some R&B as I began to cook.

Thirty minutes later, just as I was finishing up, I could hear small thuds coming down the stairs. I turned around, smiling when I saw Casey lazily tugging my shirt over her body, fixing her hair. Our eyes met and a smile grew across her face, her cheeks the faintest shade of pink.

"Morning, Case," I said, turning the stove off and grabbing our plates of food. "How'd you sleep?"

A small smirk made its way across her face and she took the plate of food, staring at the delicious yolk. "The best in years, actually."

I chuckled sheepishly, my mind immediately replaying the many events of what happened last night. Meanwhile, Casey pulled a chair out for me with one hand and I sat next to her, my arm going around her shoulder as we ate in comfortable silence.

"Can you come with me to get some of my things?" She asked suddenly once she was finished eating. "I don't want to be there alone with both my mother and father there."

I smiled softly. "Of course. You don't need to explain yourself, baby."

Casey's face relaxed and she returned the smile, resting her head on my bicep.

"I didn't think you'd be so energetic last night," she randomly stated, causing my cheeks to burn up. "But you seemed very willing to go again... and again..."

"W-well, I was in the mood and—blame yourself, too, you were just as willing."

Casey laughed at my embarrassed pout, kissing my cheek. I leaned down and pecked her lips, smiling at the grin that grew across her face.

"You were overthinking again last night, weren't you?" She said softly, running her hand through my messy hair. "After everything."

I shrugged. "A bit. I knew my mind was just trying to ruin my good mood, and it didn't, but I can't help it."

"I know you can't," Casey replied, kissing my cheek again. "I just want to be able to reassure you until your mind finally agrees on what you feel here."

She poked my left pec, then raised her eyebrows.

"Jesus Christ, that is... that's a lot of muscle."

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