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A few hours after soaking in the tub and making out, we finally managed to pull ourselves out and get back into the bed. Casey was watching a TV she pulled up with me watching it with boredom. My source of entertain were the whines that Casey would make every time my hand would move to her breast. Most of the time, we stayed in the bedroom, either talking or having sex... lots and lots of sex. We would probably still be having it if Casey didn't tell me she was craving pizza, and if I wasn't wishing for cheesy bread.

And now that I was thinking about sex, I wanted to have it bad—with Casey.


"Hayden," Casey gasped as my fingers gently pinched her nipple, putting emphasis on the last part of my name. "We have pizza on the way, baby, and I-I don't want to keep them... waiting..."

I pressed my lips to her neck, my hand weighing her breast before cupping it.

"They said fifteen minutes," I muttered against her throat. "Give me five."

She moaned in response, her mouth falling open when I began to rub her clit slowly. I licked my lips as I watched Casey's hips jerk up, panting heavily as my fingers moved, desperately wanting to thrust into her until she's crying to come.

Holy fuck, I've become a sex fiend.

But how can anyone blame me when I've got a girl like Casey beside me every night. Everything about her was absolutely perfect, even with her flaws.

"Too sensitive, Hayden," she suddenly whined, gripping my wrist. She didn't pull my hand away, though, and instead insisted on more. My thumb pressed against her clit harder, smirking at her loud moan when I moved one finger to her tight entrance, curling it deeply.

"Mm," she hummed, resting her head on my shoulder as a second finger joined, thrusting them slow and hard. Casey clenched her thighs with a whimper, biting her lip when my second hand immediately went to part them.

"I can tell you're already close, baby," I murmured to her, watching as she helplessly nodded, moving her hips to meet my fingers' thrusts.

"Oh, fuck!" She cried out and her legs trembled. I wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her pressed to my chest as she came, trying to ride out her fast orgasm. I kissed her jaw and grinned as she breathed heavily.

"That was quick," I teased, hearing her grunt in response before kissing me. "That's all I wanted to do. Continue watching your movie."

Casey grunted. "You're such a dick."

I smirked, kissing her temple. "You love it."

Casey turned her head, pressing her lips to mine gently. I wanted to deepen it but she pulled away just as fast, smiling at me.

"You're lucky I do," she chuckled out. "It's getting harder to keep up with you, Hayden. Fucking addict, you are."

I couldn't help but smirk. "Well, if it's so much of a problem then we can always—"

"No, no!" She quickly exclaimed. I laughed when she sat up, not missing the wince that passed over her face in the process. "I'm not complaining."

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