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I rubbed Casey's back as she stayed scrunched in her tiny ball, whining every so often at the pain shooting through her. I couldn't possibly believe what type of pain she was going through right now but, seeing how horribly Mum got during her time of the month, it gives me a rough idea.

I felt bad. The sun was barely starting to come up when Casey basically shoved me out of the bed. When I asked what she was doing, she began to cry about how she got blood on my bedsheets and how embarrassed she was. So, being the amazing loving boyfriend that I am, I helped her get out of bed and ran a bath for her, and while she relaxed I changed my sheets and called Mom to run to the store and grab some things Casey might need.

"Is there anything else you need?" I murmured to her, kissing her shoulder as she whimpered once again. "More juice? Maybe a heating blanket? Your... animal crackers."

Casey's eyes flickered to mine in a narrowed look. "Don't use that tone with my animal crackers, Hayden."

I chuckled softly, pecking her lips. "Sorry. I'll tell Jake you couldn't go into work so I took your shift, okay? I just want you to relax."

Casey nodded slowly and kissed me again quickly, closing her eyes as I continued to soothingly rub her back. Just as I thought she was sleeping, she let out another pained groan and rolled onto her back, pressing her legs up to her chest.

"Lay with me," she whined out, opening her arms for me. "Pleaseee..."

I hummed, crawling into bed with her and allowing her to wrap one of her legs around my waist, her head on my shoulder.

"You're so amazing," she choked out, making me smile softly. "I-I'm sorry for bleeding all over your bedsheets. I know Emara worked so hard to have those perfectly silkified for you a-and I just bled all over them—"

"Hey," I cut off, cupping her cheeks. My eyes met her watery ones and I grinned, kissing her gently. "You don't need to apologize for something that's completely natural, Case."

She grunted, nuzzling her face further into my chest while I ran a hand through her hair slowly. Casey sniffled again, biting her lip and kissing my bare skin.

"You're going to be alright," I assured her when she whimpered once again. I kissed her hair. "Just a few days of this then you'll be back to you're bad-ass self."

Casey chuckled quietly and tightened her grip around me. "If you say so..."

I grinned. "I do say so. Just rest, baby."

She nodded slowly and I turned her around so her back was facing me, gently massaging her lower abdomen. Casey moaned quietly, her head against my shoulder as she closed her eyes.

"That feels so nice," she whispered quietly, hissing as I continued. "It's helping..."

I smiled softly, watching as she would shift every so often. When I heard her gently snores, I slowly unwrapped herself from me and began to pull everything out of the Walmart bag Mum gave me when she and Dad returned: animal crackers, Midol, a heated blanket, chocolate milk and apple juice, and lastly, tampons and pads.

I out the several bags of animal crackers on the nightstand and plugged the blanket in, turning it on and draping it over her body. Once everything was set up to her liking (her juices and chocolate milk being in the mini fridge on her side of the bed), I kissed her forehead and walked downstairs.

Truly His | (Book 2) 18+ Where stories live. Discover now