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It was 11pm by the time me and Casey left the drive-in. Who would have thought that Casey, the most put-together woman I've ever met for her age, would fall apart by watching a sappy romance movie. The entire time we watched the movie in my truck, I could hear sniffles come from beside me, or a choked out sound come from Casey as the movie progressed.

It didn't help that, after the movie, the drive-in decided to put on Titanic, which Casey insisted we stay and watch.

I'm pretty sure during the intermission, she took her makeup off in the washroom so it wouldn't run during the movie.

Now, as I drove her home, I couldn't stop chuckling at the memory.

"Stop laughing," Casey whined. "It's not funny."

"It's a bit funny," I retorted. "Your reputation has officially been destroyed, Ms. Waterworks. At least you had your pizza and wings to comfort you."

Casey grunted, staring out of the window.

"Besides, I ruined one good shirt by letting you cry into it," I continued, laughing when she smacked my bicep.

"Hush!" She let out, her cheeks on fire. "It's not a bad thing to be a romance-lover, Hayden! I thrive because of romance!"

I chuckled, shaking my head to myself. "Alright, I'll stop. It's just cute."

That got her silent. I glanced at her, smirking when I noticed how red her face was, before pulling into her driveway. Just as I was going to turn the truck off, Casey turned her head to me.

"You liked the movie," she said with a small grin. "I could tell you were into it."

I met her stare, grinning back at her. "Hell yeah, I liked it. Besides, Titanic's a classic—if you hate that movie then you have no soul."

Casey shook her head, chuckling. I got out of the truck easily, walking around the front and helping her down. She thanked me shyly and I grabbed the pizza box and wings, following her up her steps.

Both Casey and I paused when we could see Mrs. Davis nosily peering through the curtains. She shut them when she realized we caught her, causing Casey to sigh to herself.

"Is she like that with all your dates?" I asked, standing at the front door with her.

"Only the wealthy ones," she grumbled. "So, you'd be the first one."

I pursed my lips and handed her the box of food, noticing how a smile quickly replaced her frown.

"So, about that second date..." I dragged out, chuckling when I saw her playfully roll her eyes. "Did I do good tonight?"

Casey thought for a moment.

"I mean," she dragged out, "you did provide delicious food, you were a very nice shoulder to cry on—you even gave me a single napkin to wipe my tears... I'd say you deserve a second one."

I could feel an excited smile grow on my face quickly before I bit my lip. "Sounds great."

"Good, because I need a date this Saturday for a family gathering and I think people seeing your handsome face there will hide the fact that I don't care about them," Casey said, putting her pizza box on a chair and fixing my shirt. She smiled when our eyes met. "It's at 6:30."

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