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You know, I was never one to be aggressive. I was a gentle soul and would never manhandle anyone or anything because I just never really believed I had an aggressive bone in my body. However, I was beginning to think that maybe I was full of shit for thinking that.

Why suddenly change my mind, you may ask? Well, because the second Casey kissed me, I could feel something primal awaken. My body reacted before my brain but, it honestly didn't seem like she minded it, her hands clinging to my shoulders as I switched places with her so this time she was against the wall, her body pinned while our hands roamed desperately for each other's touch.

She faintly tasted of mint and wine but I didn't mind it, my hands moving on their own accord as they tried to find a place to stay comfortable. I cupped her cheeks with my hands gently, tilting her head up and sucking on her bottom lip. When I heard Casey moan at the small action, I swear I went fucking insane—that sound alone was something I could easily get addicted to.

"Hayden," she gasped, her lips curling up into a smile when they touched mine again. Almost like in sync, our lips parted at the same time, our tongues touching in a battle for control. One of my hands moved down to the small of her back and I groaned out when I felt her push closer to me, using my second hand to grab her jaw.

She moaned gently when it slowly went down to her neck right under her jaw, wrapping my arm around her waist when she gripped my shoulders. Casey whimpered, only to moan again when I sucked on her tongue, then slightly raised my hips.

She was driving me insane.

At that moment, I could feel Casey reluctantly pull away from me. I groaned out in complaint, hearing her chuckle just as our lips met once again.

"Hayden, we need to go to sleep," she whispered to me, her lips brushing over mine. "I-I have to wake up tomorrow."

I couldn't help but smirk. "Don't we all?"

Casey breathlessly laughed, licking her swollen lips. I stared at them, hearing a small sound leave her lips when she caught me watching. The tension between us was eating me alive but it wasn't until Casey took a small step away that I realized my shirt was open and she was ogling what was hidden under it.

"Jesus, Hayden," she muttered, going over the muscles that made out my abs and upper chest. "Is that another tattoo?"

I glanced down at it, smiling sheepishly. "Yeah. I'm a bit addicted to them, so what?"

She chuckled, then looked up at me. Her grey eyes looked a bit dazed as she smiled, then fixed her shirt slightly and glanced around the room.

"Where will I be sleeping?" She asked me softly, continuously tugging at the shirt to distract her hands.

"Right there," I told her, pointing to my bed. "I'll take the futon."

When I gestured to the furniture at the foot of my bed, she pursed her lips and shook her head.

"It's fine, Hayden," she said.

I raised an eyebrow. "Don't start, Casey. Get in bed."

Casey immediately walked to the futon. I picked her up, hearing her tired groan, and helped her get comfortable in my bed. I shook my head to myself and chuckled, turning my light off. I quickly pulled the futon out and grabbed a blanket I left in my closet, lying down with a sigh.

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