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It was almost midnight. You see, compared to when I first got back home with Casey, we actually put on a TV show this time to watch—at least, that was the original plan. Somewhere in between was making out, arguing over who got rights to my blankets, and eventually getting changed and grabbing some food. In the end, Casey got rights to the blankets but shared with me.

The only difference between then and now was that there was a big jump from making out in clothes to making out in very little clothes.

Casey didn't seem to have a problem with it. I found it quite cute how she practically melted wherever I touched her but I would never tell her that otherwise she would try to stop herself. I, on the other hand, was in agony, and was hard as a fucking rock but couldn't do anything about it until she went to bed.

"Did.... did you just pinch me?" I breathed out, shifting when I felt her fingers against my side. I pulled back from our kiss to find her cheeks red, raising an eyebrow.

"I didn't mean to," she said, laughing. "I don't know why I did that. Forget that happened, let's continue."

I burst out laughing when she leaned in for another kiss, moving my head to her shoulder to quiet myself down. Casey was chuckling with me, one of her hands playing with the hair at the nape of my neck.

"I'm sorry," she mumbled, making me chuckle again. "I was hoping we could watch some movies."

"You mean like how we've been watching movies for the last two hours?"

She smiled shyly, then bit her lip slightly. "Exactly. Well, if you can contain this, that is."

I opened my mouth to ask her what she was talking about but my question was cut off with a large intake of breath when her hand moved down my chest and abdomen, stopping right on top of the tent growing in my boxers.

"Unless you'd want me to help with it," she whispered against my lips, causing my cheeks to flush red. That's when the stuttering began.

"I've actually never... uh, I've never been given one," I admitted, my face warming up even more when she pulled back to get a better look of my face.

"You mean a hand—"

I nodded to stop whatever she was about to say, biting my lip gently. Casey smiled, leaning down and pecking my lips gently. I returned the short kiss, feeling her kiss my jaw next.

"If you don't want me to then—"

"No," I cut off again, making her smile widen before leaning down. I pulled her up closer to me and pressed our lips together, moving a hand up to grip her hair.

"Jesus..." I breathed out, pulling away from her tempting lips when I felt her hand wrap around my hard member. My head tilted back and I released a low groan when she squeezed me.

Using her other hand, Casey pulled my boxers down and quietly swore to herself once my painful election was released. I glanced down with a raised eyebrow, snapping my fingers in front of her face to stop her from ogling it.

"Focus," I said with a teasing smirk, making her blush. "You're staring quite hard, Casey."

"Sorry," she murmured, looking away and clearing her throat. "I-It's... it's an impressive size."

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