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I must have heard him wrong. There was no way I just heard him tell me that.


Hayden bit his lip, clearing his throat. I sat up straighter, knowing for sure that I did not hear him wrong.

"Are you sure?" I slowly spoke, noticing how his cheeks glowed red. "I mean, I-I kind of wanted to plan something, just so you know you're 100-percent sure."

Hayden smiled at me softly, leaning down and pressing his lips to mine. I sighed, my eyes fluttering closed as I returned the gentle kiss. My arms lazily moved around his neck and I pulled him impossibly closer, moaning in protest when he broke our kiss.

"I don't need anything like that, Casey," he said with a slight chuckle, pecking my lips again. "I'm sure, okay? I trust you with my life and there's nobody else I'd see myself doing this with."

I nodded slowly, biting my lip as he pressed a kiss to my neck. I pushed him back to me, our lips meeting sensually. He nibbled at my lips, taking his time with his hands as they caressed every inch of my body. I moaned at the tingling feeling, my lips parting for his awaiting tongue. It met mine in a gentle touch and my body warmed with delight at the affect it did.

When his lips parted from mine, his heavy breathing matched mine. His lips swept over the flesh on my neck, smiling at my desperate whine before finally giving me what I was quietly pleading for.

My breaths came out more laboured when I felt one of his hands lift the giant shirt off of my body, pulling his attention away from my neck and admiring the view he had. Even when there was a single lamp on, I could see how intensely he was staring at my nudity.

He was delaying.

"Hayden," I whispered in an assuring voice, tilting his head up to look at me. I smiled softly at him. "Hey, don't be nervous."

I could see his cheeks darken. "B-but what if it's not good enough for you?"

Oh my gosh, he really had no idea how perfect he was.

"I know it'll be good enough, baby," I said, showing him a smile. "As long as it's with you."

Hayden looked between my eyes and my lips, eventually giving in as he kissed me again. One of his hands cupped the back of my neck while the other explored my naked body, clearly enjoying the moans I would make from his touch.

"Oh my gosh," I moaned out when I felt his fingers brush against me, causing him to pause. I could feel him pull them away. "N-no, keep them there."

Hayden's lips parted from mine and he looked down to see what he was doing, and my eyes grew in pleasure as his fingers began to move in slow circular movements. I moaned again, my head tipping back at the feeling I haven't experienced in so long.

"G-go faster," I encouraged breathlessly, my eyes rolling back as he did exactly that, his gaze finally moving back up to my face. "Oh, fuck..."

Hayden bit his lip and I moaned loudly as he slowly pressed a finger inside of me. Our eyes made eye contact and we refused to look away, my fluttering gaze entranced by his dark eyes.

Truly His | (Book 2) 18+ Where stories live. Discover now