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"I'm not your son," Hayden snapped. "I'm Kade Black's son. He's the one who didn't abandon me, the man who was there whenever I needed a shoulder to cry on, and the one who raised me into who I am today. You did nothing much shoot one into a horny teenager and abandon her when you realized she couldn't give you anything."

The two of them glared at each other before Hayden finally moved his attention to me. I mouthed to him to take a deep breath and I watched as he closed his eyes and stared up at the ceiling, then met Tristan's eyes again.

"My brother is a stealing coward," Tristan spat. I gasped when his grip tightened on my neck, resulting in Hayden's body beginning to shake. "Everything I worked years for and he took it with the snap of his fingers—"

"Because he worked for all of that while you sat on your ass and took the credit!" Hayden yelled, taking a step forward.

I grunted when Tristan jabbed the barrel of the gun to my head rougher, clenching my teeth. Hayden wanted to help, I could tell from the pained look on his face, but I kept shaking my head at him.

Think, Casey. Think.
Any weaknesses that'll give you a second of advantage.

"Without me you wouldn't even be born, you ungrateful bastard," Tristan laughed and I discreetly shifted so that both of his legs were on either side of one of mine.

"Oh what? So you want me to fucking get down on my knees and thank your careless ass for knocking up an eighteen-year-old?" Hayden growled. "Because if so then it's never going to fucking happen."

I could imagine Tristan smirking. "How about this, Hayden. You're going to turn around with your hands up and me and little princess here will safely exit the building and—FUCK!"

I brought my foot up as hard as I could and I swear my heel went in his asshole. I grimaced when he shot right above my head and we both collapsed, the ringing in my ear unbearable. Just as I began to crawl away, Tristan grabbed onto my leg and began to pull me back. Hayden used his moment of weakness to pick his thin body up, shoving him against the wall and swinging as hard as he could—much harder than he did with my father.

I scrambled to get away and I could hear the pained cries of Tristan as Hayden didn't stop, his fist becoming bloody and red fairly quickly. Instead of pushing him away from Tristan like I did with my father, I gave him the moment he needed to beat his anger out on him. Not only did Hayden need it but Tristan did, too, for thinking that he was smart enough to hold me at gun point.

It wasn't until we could hear the sirens wailing outside that I snapped out of the daze I was in, finally pulling Hayden off of the unconscious man and pushing him to a far enough distance to calm him down.

"Baby, look at me," I whispered, cupping his cheeks and forcing him to look at me.

His eyes were bloodshot and he breathed heavily, his jaw clenched as he kept stealing glances at Tristan on the ground.

"Eyes on this face right here," I said, getting on my toes. Finally, it worked as Hayden left my eyes. "Good. Now breathe deeply, Hayden. Deep breaths."

He followed my instructions and moved his head to my neck, breathing in and out slowly while holding onto me tightly. Before we could celebrate, I turned around and saw Tristan struggling for the gun. Just when his fingertips brushed against the handle, my foot pressed hard against his fingers before grabbing the gun and putting the safety back on it.

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