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"Oh... my... god!"

I hissed quietly and bit my lip when Casey's nails dug into my already-scratched back, her eyes rolling back as I pounded into her. Her lips parted and she moaned loudly, her legs tightening around my waist the more I continued. At first, I went slow—knowing how she seems to need a second to adjust every time I enter her—but the louder she moaned, the more I wanted to hear it.

Well... mission complete.

"Hayden!" She moaned, her body quivering as I slowed my movements down to a deep penetration. I thrust into her balls deep, groaning as she clenched around me tightly. "Don't... fuck, don't stop!"

I moved my forehead to hers, breathing heavily as my hips moved slowly, keeping her hips pressed into the mattress. I watched our hips join repeatedly, biting my lip as her tight pussy continued to stretch to accommodate my size. Casey was a moaning mess as she cried for her release, clawing at my back to hold onto something.

"Talk your shit now, Casey," I breathed out, one of my hands gripping her thigh to keep it from falling down my hip. Casey moaned in response, biting her lip. "You were talking so much of it before, so do it now."

Casey met my challenging stare and whimpered, her eyelids fluttering when my hips began to pick up in speed again. My head tipped back and a low groan fell from my lips, getting lost in the feeling of thrusting into her wetness over and over. My movements were savage as I spread her legs farther apart, groaning as I watched myself fuck her sensitive heat.

Just over twenty minutes ago, Casey was talking way too much shit about my gaming skills while we were playing some Call of Duty. She seemed to think that bringing my ego down and hers up would make me back down, and when she won Casey repeatedly told me to "eat it".

And I think I speak on her behalf when I say I did exactly that amazingly—her screaming my name earlier would prove so.

"Fuck!" She cried out as I began to slam into her, moving her hand to her mouth to quiet herself down.

My movements became animalistic and my hands gripped her hips, biting my lip as I watched her tremble beneath me. Casey had her eyes rolled back, her chest heaving as my hips collided with hers, letting out a breathy moan with every rough thrust I made into her. Her breaths only became faster the more I moved.

Then, from downstairs, I could hear my name being called by none other than my mother.

"Hayden!" She called out, causing Casey's mouth to drop in shock. My hips stopped and our eyes met. "We're home, your father's at a meeting so I'm making pasta!"

Casey stopped breathing altogether and I could see her shock behind the lust swirling in her grey eyes as I continued moving my hips, pulling her to the edge of the bed. I kept my movements slow yet aggressive, inching out of her slowly before I would slam into her again. I held the headboard (which had a pillow behind it to silence the banging sounds) and began to pick up in speed, smirking when Casey's eyes rolled back completely, her mouth falling open.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." she whispered out, moaning quietly when our lips met. "Go faster, Hayden. Please..."

I hummed, wrapping an arm around her waist. Then, pulling back to stare into her eyes, moved my hips back before pounding into her. Casey's mouth fell open and I quickly covered it, hearing her loud moans come out muffled. I angled her hips up the way that made her go crazy, hearing her cry out loudly as I slammed into her, moving on top of her and thrusting faster.

Truly His | (Book 2) 18+ Where stories live. Discover now