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As we both promised, I went to work a shift at the bar and Casey met me there once she was finished at the bank. Apparently her parents had tried to gain access to it sometime last week but they denied it to them considering they only started off the money in there. Every cent (minus the 5,000 of course) was in that account because of her, and no parent was allowed to take it.

As for me, I haven't stopped walking since I punched in. I don't blame Jake for needing the extra hands. It was a lot busier today than it was most days and it looked like Jake was ready to strangle every person that was in the building.

"See? Look, look," Casey said excitedly, showing her phone screen. I raised an eyebrow as my eyes met the eyes of a goldfish, it's giant eyes slowly creeping me out.

"What about it?" I asked, meeting her offended gaze.

"Him. What about him," she corrected, then smiled when she looked back at the screen. "They said I can have him by Thursday. I'm going to name him Gillian—Gil for short. He'll be our first pet together, Hayden! Isn't this exciting?"

I could feel a corner of my lips twitch up as she wiggled from side to side in the chair. I chuckled, handing her a burger and Pepsi.

"How much longer do you have to work?" She asked me, digging into her lunch.

"Another half hour," I responded. "Turns out I was just covering half of Henry's shift so he'll be here to take over soon."

Casey hummed, leaning over the bar and pecking my lips.

"Hey!" Jake immediately shouted from the kitchen, glaring at us when we turned to look at him. "No PDA with my employees, Davis!"

Casey chuckled, pecking my lips again before sitting back down. I saw her gush over her goldfish, telling me how she was going to buy a giant tank with a castle and treasure chest with bubbles for him, and I simply listened with a smile.

The next half hour went by fast with Casey here and by the time I left, she was worn out. I wrapped my arm around her waist as we exited, making sure to observe my surroundings for anything suspicious.

"You've been tense since you woke up, Hayden," Casey spoke up, frowning. I looked down at her, pursing my lips. "Relax, okay?"

"I can't help it," I mumbled back, biting my lip when she kissed my cheek and made my way to her car. "Can we leave your car here tonight?"

Casey sighed. "Hayden..."

"Please, Casey? I don't want to take the risk of something happening to you because we were separated all day."

Our eyes met and she pursed her lips, reluctantly agreeing. My body relaxed immediately and Casey stopped me just when I pressed the unlock button on my keys. Her arms wrapped around my neck and hugged me tightly.

"I'm sorry," she whispered to me.

"For what?" I mumbled back, kissing her head. I hugged her back.

"Not considering your concerns about my safety." Our eyes met. "You have every right to be concerned and I didn't think that I could be a potential target."

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