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(Ive changed Jake's son's name so don't be confused if you see it—if you even remember it lmfao)


The next week passed in a blur. Most days I was working so I had was out of the house a lot, but I loved from the second I left to the second I got home. Most of the time, just before I would leave, Hayden would stop me and give me one of those kisses that just made my toes curls; when I returned, the second I closed the door Hayden would be there. If I thought that it was hard to keep my hands to myself whenever Hayden turned into a freak in the bedroom, it's nothing compared to the way I react when he treats me like his one and only treasure.

For the first time in my life, I truly felt wanted by somebody. Hayden just made my insides start to go wild and every glance I looked at him made the feeling grow.

Was this what a soulmate is? If so, I'm more than glad that Hayden is mine.

"Hey, baby," he whispered in greeting as I walked through the front door. I hummed tiredly, a smile tugging at my lips when Hayden pressed his lips to mine gently.

"Mm," I let out. "Hi. You survived another day without me, congratulations."

Hayden rolled his eyes and chuckled at me, kissing my shoulder before entwining our hands. I followed him, quickly greeting Emara and Kade just before I was pulled into his bedroom.

"I was so bored without you," he murmured just before our lips met. A soft moan left my lips and my hands travelled up to his hair, gripping it.

"So now I'm just here to keep you from being bored?" I teased, watching as he smiled, muttering for me to shut up before pushing me against the bed.

I knew he would have this planned the second I told him I was off my period today. The fucker's done nothing but tease me—whether it be him doing anything in his power to touch any part of my body that wasn't between my legs, whispering all of the dirty things he wanted to do to me while stroking his fingertips along my inner thighs, to literally jerking off in the shower groaning my name.

Fuck, I was deprived. All week, all I could think about was Hayden inside of me, his tongue against me, his cock filling my mouth—though, let's be honest, I had no problem giving him his pleasure during that torturous week. Hell, I almost cried in relief when I went in the washroom earlier that day and saw that there wasn't a single drop of blood.

"Oh, yes," I dragged out quietly, biting my lip as he pressed his knee to my heated sex.

"I'm too fucking hard to be waiting much longer," he muttered, undoing his jeans and belt while I began to unbutton my jeans. Our lips met desperately and he grabbed my shirt, pulling back to lift it over my head.

"Hayden," I whispered out, my back arching when he quickly pushed into me, groaning quietly. My eyes rolled back as he slammed into me repeatedly, his hips slapping against mine as we desperately used each other to find our releases.

"Jesus," Hayden groaned out, his face buried in my neck as he pounded brutally, not sparing me a single breath before he was already buried deep inside me once again.

Black splotches invaded my vision as Hayden pushed deeper and deeper into me. My mouth was hung open but no sounds left, desperately clawing at his back as I struggled to hold on to whatever was closest to me. Hayden whispered into my ear in gentle encouragements, pushing me closer to my climax as he persisted.

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