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The ride back to my house wasn't awkward, thank God. Casey entertained me by singing songs in my playlist all the way home, though I highly doubt she knew I was even listening. And I don't think she was hurt by how quickly I dismissed her simple question earlier since she was holding my hand in hers, subconsciously playing with my fingers.

Once we got home, I helped Casey carry her bags inside, noticing how quickly she snatched the Victoria's Secret bag with a grin.

"No peeking," she simply said, getting the front door since my hands were full.

"When can I see them?" I asked, closing the door with my foot. I took my shoes off, noticing how she had already done the same.

I looked around my house, noticing how empty it was. Mom and Dad must have been at work and I got a text from Jake saying that he was keeping Amelia for a few more days. Considering he lived out in Seattle, it took a few hours for him and Aunt Iz to get from their house to ours. The fact that he even lived so far was only because he had opened a much larger club out there.

"Later tonight," she said, wiggling her eyebrows. I chuckled softly and she smiled at me. "But only if you behave."

I raised one eyebrow, licking my lips. So she wanted to play that game.

"Behave, huh?" I said, stepping towards her until she was pressed into the island counter. Casey dropped her bags, her face flushed red just before my head moved to the crook of her neck. I pressed a teasing kiss to it, hearing her sharp inhale.

"And how exactly would you like me to behave, Ms. Davis?" I mumbled to her, smirking when I could see her shiver.

"U-uh..." she shakily said back. "W-well, for starters, you aren't allowed to touch me."

I licked my lips, pulling away from her. I shoved my hands in my sweats, moving my gaze from her blazing grey eyes to her chest for a moment.

"Or kiss me," she said, finally able to find her voice. "If you break those rules, I'm sleeping in the guest bedroom and you'll just have to imagine what I look like in my secret sets."

I hummed. "Sounds easy enough. Can I get a good luck kiss?"

"No," Casey laughed, shoving me away when I leaned down to kiss her. "This is just until 10."

"Wait, wait, wait," I said, moving beside her and leaning against the counter. I crossed my arms. "What do I get if I win?"

Casey smirked.



This challenge was a lot easier for me than for her. I was having the time of my life with my sentences with double-meanings, along with the dirty jokes I would whisper into her ear as we watched a movie. It was quite amusing watching her squirm and get all flustered, which would explain why she decided to leave the couch and go to the washroom every fifteen minutes.

I glanced in her direction when she exited, this time her face not as red. I opened my mouth to ask if she was doing better but the words got caught in my throat when she perched herself on my lap, her arms wrapping around my neck.

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