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I could feel my mouth fall open, trying to see if he was kidding. When I could tell that he was serious, my face began to heat up. I got off of his lap, my body tingling with warmth before I sat at the edge of the bed. I had to get away from him before my body lit up in flames.

Hayden raised an eyebrow as he watched me and I met his intense stare. Slowly, I closed my mouth, watching as Hayden sat up and patted his lap.


"Are you arguing?" He immediately questioned, which only caused my face to burn more. My lips parted with the intention to speak, but the only thing that came out was a shaky breath. "Come here, Casey."

I bit my lip and slowly shook my head, watching his eyes darken. The smallest of smirks pulled at his lips and before I knew it, he was sitting right beside me, his hands on my waist. I squealed as he bent me over his lap, his fingertips digging into my ass before he rubbed it.

"When I tell you to bend over," he whispered into my ear, making me lick my lips and clench my thighs when his voice came out husky and deep, "you do it. Is that understood?"

I could feel him remove my panties and I slowly nodded, only to gasp when I felt his hand come down on my ass hard. Holy fuck...

"I want you to tell me you understand," he deeply muttered, causing me to bite my lip as he rubbed the stinging feeling away.

"I understand," I whispered to him, moaning when I felt his fingers play with my pussy. "Oh, gosh..."

Hayden hummed and removed his fingers, followed by another hard smack to my ass. I bit my lip to suppress my moan, closing my eyes as the sensation returned.

"Arch that back, baby," he cooed to me, and I listened, arching it a bit more to his liking. "Good girl."

Oh, Lordy-Lord. So many new kinks have been unlocked.

"Just tell me if it's too hard," he whispered into my hair. I smiled at the concern laced under his words, nodding my head before anxiously waiting.

I knew he was staring at me and it set my body on fire. Just when I was about to look back to see what he was doing, he spanked me. Hard. I gasped out a soft moan, my legs clenching together once more while he rubbed my stinging asscheek. My moan only grew louder when his fingertips played with my clit, nudging it before moving in slow circles.

"Mm," I let out, moaning when he repeated the same actions at least three more times. I didn't know at this point, I was too lost in the pleasure he was giving me. I didn't even realize how wet until I could feel him rubbing it up and down my pussy, groaning to himself.

"You like getting spanked, hm?" He mused into my ear, hearing me moan in response. Hayden's hand quickly moved up to my hair and he gripped it, pulling at it enough to tip my head back.

Our eyes met but I struggled to keep it when he spanked me again, harder than the last three times. I moaned, closing my eyes and biting my lip.

"Mhm," I finally let out, my eyes rolling back when he pushed two fingers into my wet entrance, his fingers curling as he pushed them in and out slowly, teasing me.

Truly His | (Book 2) 18+ Where stories live. Discover now