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five years later...

"Baby!" I whined in pain, rolling from my side to my back as I looked out of the beautiful view our bedroom window had of Seattle.

I didn't get a response which only angered my impatience.

"HayDEN! Where are you?"

"I'm right here, Case," Hayden finally spoke through his amused chuckles, kissing the top of my head as he handed me my chicken noodle soup. He walked back out for a split second before coming back with the bag of things I made him buy for me while he was coming back from work.

He was wearing a simple charcoal grey suit with a white button-up shirt underneath when he got home but had changed so his suit was on the dresser and his shirt sleeves were rolled up, exposing his single sleeve of tattoos. His hair was messy from running his fingers through it as I threw him food after food of what I wanted but it only made him look more delicious.

I want to suck his dick.

"You sure this is what you wanted?" Hayden cautiously asked as he handed me the bags.

I grinned as I pulled out my chocolate syrup and poured it into the soup, stirring it up. I could see Hayden look away to stop from vomiting but still ignored his antics, slurping it down like I wasn't just scarfing a peanut butter, pickle, and cheese sandwich thirty minutes before he arrived. I moaned, shaking my head to myself before quickly eating everything.

"This is why I married you," I mumbled, hearing his quiet chuckle before he entered the washroom. "You have the nursery ready, right? I don't want you to forget."

"You're only two months along, Casey," Hayden reminded me from the other room. "I think I can put it off for another few months or so considering our baby is the size of a bean right now."

He came out of the washroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and the spoon hung in my mouth as I stared at him. Suddenly, I was craving something else that was not food—unless you counted sausage as it.

Big, thick, juicy—


I looked up and found him kneeling in front of me with a perplexed expression on his face. Cupping my cheek with one hand, he grinned at the way I immediately leaned into his touch, rubbing my bottom lip with his thumb.

"Is everything okay with you?" He asked softly, kissing the top of my head.

"Yeah. I'm gonna... brush my teeth," I sheepishly spoke, putting my empty bowl to the side and rushing into the washroom.

"You know I couldn't care less, right?" Hayden called from behind me.

"It's not for you, it's for me," I muttered brushing my teeth. I watched him walk into the washroom a minute later and smacked my ass hard. I squealed, almost choking on my toothbrush. "Don't do that."

"Do what?" He breathed against my shoulder, biting it gently while I wiped my mouth with the towel. "Don't think I didn't see you eyeballing me since the second I got home?"

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