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"I don't trust Stanley."


"You don't trust... a lizard?"

"No. He keeps eyeing Gil like some piece of meat. What if he feels objectified because of him?"

I couldn't help but snort. "Stanley is a complete gentleman, I'll have you know. And he eats bugs, not stupid fish."

Casey pushed herself off of my chest, her eyes wide with horror. I allowed my eyes to look over her messy blonde hair, slowly moving down to her hickey-covered neck and to her chest.

And... my eyes stayed there.

"Hayden," she scolded, grabbing my chin and forcing me to meet her intense grey eyes. I smirked. "I won't have you talking about Gil like that."

"Or what?" I challenged, licking my lips to hide my smirk from widening. I could already see the blush creeping up her neck to her cheeks when I held her hips in place.

"O-or I'll make you apologize," she managed out. "He's family now, whether you like it or not."

I hummed. "So is Stanley. That means you'll have to deal with him eyeing Gil."

Casey pouted. "But I don't like it."

"Well, I stare at you all day long and you don't seem to mine. In fact, I believe I remember you telling me that you like it at some point."

Her face flushed even more when she could feel my hands creeping up her body. I bit my lip and chuckled quietly, finally retracting my hands. That gave Casey a moment to collect her thoughts and speak.

"Well... well, that's different," she told me, huffing. "We are dating—they are not."

"How do you know? What if them sneaking glances is the only way they can show their love for each other because of its taboo?"

Casey laughed and I smiled with her, shaking my head and kissing her shoulder. I could feel her fingers through my hair and kissed the top of my head.

"You're adorable," she murmured, pecking my lips next. "School starts in two weeks. You excited?"

I couldn't stop myself from grinning, watching as her curious hands roamed down my chest. She stopped at the giant tattoo going down my side and I stopped from shivering as she ran her thumb over it.

"What does it mean?" Casey asked, tracing the Chinese writing.

"I don't remember," I admitted with a sheepish grin. "Ash and I decided on it when we were stoned and Carson drove us there. They have the same tattoo so I'm gonna guess it says some sappy shit like "brothers"."

Casey chuckled, leaning down and pecking my lips. My hands slid up to her waist and I pulled her closer, hearing her gasp as her hands slipped. She fell back in my chest and I grinned when she got comfortable.

"I'm glad we got some furniture," she whispered, referring to the furniture in our living room.

We were lying on the floor because the couch felt too small—but it was pretty big and was able to fit the both of us if Casey laid on top of me. We bought a 50" TV that stood mounted above our electric fireplace and a glass coffee table we pushed to the side to have... space. There was a reclining armchair to match the couch but we pushed it aside.

Truly His | (Book 2) 18+ Where stories live. Discover now