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I stared at Hayden with a miserable expression on my face as he held the balloons to me, smiling giddily. I look at the balloons next, hesitantly taking them before feeling him put the birthday hat on my head, pursing his lips when he saw my face still hadn't changed.

"I didn't mean to wake you like that," he admitted, watching as I used one finger to take the frosting from my face. I licked it. "I-I was trying to be cute and give you a birthday cupcake but... I tripped on the carpet and it flew out of my hand."

I didn't say anything, watching as he shifted from foot to foot. Then, Hayden finally helped me clean my face up with the napkin he had in his other hand, pecking my lips.

"Thank you," I mumbled, closing my eyes as he wiped my face, "for the balloons and the cupcake."

Hayden smiled widely and helped me up, not even giving me a chance to wake up before he was looking through my side of the closet. I watched him, raising an eyebrow before he turned to me. He handed me a square lavender minidress with spaghetti straps, then my white vans and some socks.

"What're you up to?" I mumbled tiredly, chuckling when he took my shirt off and helped the dress over my body.

I guess I'm going braless today.

"What are you—Hayden!"

I laughed as he lifted the dress up and helped me into a new pair of thongs, smacking my ass before standing up.

"What is all of this?" I chuckled out, my eyes closing as he began to brush through my hair.

"I went on Google and searched up how to style a woman's hair," he told me, grabbing the mousse and hairspray from the vanity before pulling me on his lap to continue untangling my hair with the brush.


"Because it's your eighteenth," he said, kissing my naked shoulder. "You deserve to be treated like the queen you are any day of the week but since it's your birthday, it's extra special."

I felt my face flush and I bit my lip, staying silent as he pampered me for the day he had in store for me. I wasn't used to this kind of treatment. My last seventeen birthdays have been spent by myself, in my bedroom, watching romance movies that made me sob. I was never given a birthday party or a day where someone did anything for me, and the fact that Hayden was going out of his way to do all of this—and clearly enjoying it from the goofy smile on his face—was beginning to make me emotional.

"Mom and Dad are downstairs," Hayden said as he added an unnecessary amount of mousse to his hand. Oh no. "They helped make breakfast while I woke you."

I smiled, gasping when I could feel the fizziness of the mousse suddenly seep into my hair. I laughed as he ran it through my hair, then did some weird movements with the ends of my hair.

"What... what is that?" I laughed out as he twirled a strand one-by-one.

"I'm curling it."

I wanted to gush over how hard he was trying so I didn't bother correcting him, allowing Hayden to work his magic. My nose scrunched as he sprayed the hairspray over my face, closing my eyes.

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