For Her - Part 3

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(Ten years later, Dazai and Chuuya became the age of twenty-six and Airi became at the age of seventeen. A year before this, Dazai became the new boss of the port mafia after the death of the former boss , and Chuuya became the most prominent executive member in the port mafia, and everyone calculated a thousand accounts for him before trying Messing with him, as for Airi, she was known as the beautiful Yokohama, she became more beautiful, and everyone wished to sit with her, even if only for a few seconds.)

( When Airi became precisely sixteen years old when Dazai became the boss of the mafia, she asked Dazai to also work in the port mafia, and despite Chuuya's clear and frank objections, he did not want his dear sister to be involved in mafia business because he knew the seriousness of this, and he tried to prevent her a lot, but Dazai He could not refuse Airi's request, so he decided to make her his secretary, thus ensuring that Chuuya would not object because she would not do any dangerous work, only office work, and for Dazai to be able to protect her in the absence of Chuuya during the tasks assigned to it )

Chuuya (sighed and just got back from the mission): Huh ... Next time please boss let me kill them instead of negotiating

Dazai (while sitting in his chair and turning over some papers): Chuuya, if I allow you to kill everyone, the port mafia will not have any allies.

Chuuya: Why do we need allies if no one opposes us

Dazai (He puts the papers on the table and looks at Chuuya): Even though you are an executive member, you are an idiot, Chuuya.

Dazai (He puts the papers on the table and looks at Chuuya): Even though you are an executive member, you are an idiot, Chuuya

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Chuuya (angrily): Huh!

Dazai: Even the port mafia might fall if no one helped it

Chuuya: I don't understand this thinking

Dazai: So you will never be the boss, Chuuya. Your foolish mind is just full of fighting

Chuuya (angrily): This is better than boring negotiation nonsense

Oda (He was standing next to Dazai): Well let's stop now at this point, because I know the result of this conversation (opening the room door)

Airi: Boss, I brought you the files you requested

Chuuya: Airi!

Airi (with very happy eyes): Brother !! When you came back (she was about to hug him, but she remembered) I mean, Executive Member Chuuya, I'm glad you are back and you are fine

Dazai: No need for these formalities, dear Airi, nobody is here, you can hug your foolish brother (Airi couldn't get any more, so she hugged her brother so hard)

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