( Under the moonlight )

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(2) Short Story

(After the killing of an anti-mafia organization in the port during one night only by Dazai and Chuuya , their fame spread in Yokohama and they became known as the double black, but at that time Chuuya was not an executive member but a regular member accompanying the executive member Dazai, but despite this, everyone was afraid of him despite their expectation that he would become Soon, an executive member like Dazai, so the rest of the organizations tried, and before the relationship of these two became stronger, to get rid of the double black, and since they know the seriousness of their union, the two had to be separated from each other, but the matter remains difficult, especially with Chuuya's power, which through his power can destroy his enemies In a blink of an eye, so they decided to try to eliminate Dazai first, as they know that Dazai is the brain that drives the Double Black, and since he is an executive member, Chuuya is obligated to obey his orders, but on the other hand, chuuya hated those orders given to him by Dazai, and wanted to get rid of From this union, he prefers to work alone, and the feeling was mutual with Dazai, as Chuuya , due to the orders of Boss Mori, was obliged to follow Dazai and prevent him from recklessness and suicide, and this matter bothered Dazai a lot and wanted to pal Get rid of Chuuya so he can commit suicide as he likes without any disturbance)

Mori: Listen carefully, Chuuya, you must always accompany Dazai, do not leave him alone, as he is a very important member of the mafia and the enemies of the port mafia will try to arrest him and in the worst case kill him

(Chuuya could not refuse the request of the mafia leader, even though he wanted to do so, because the orders of the leader were absolute and every member of the mafia had to obey them, so he paused, gesturing with his head on the leader's order and left the room with Dazai, who tried in every way to get away from Chuuya)

Dazai: Chuuya, being an executive, I command you to leave me alone now

Chuuya: I really want it, but the boss has given me an order not to leave you

Dazai (angrily): Well then, he smiled you another way (and took out a silver paper) You know what this is?

Chuuya (surprised): It is ... "The silver document does not matter who holds it. Who carries it is absolute orders for every member of the mafia even the executive members."

Dazai: I command you through it

Chuuya (angrily): You ...

Dazai: I command you to leave me alone now .

Chuuya (anxiously): At least tell me where you are going because I have .... (Except that Dazai interrupted him

Dazai: You have orders from the boss , but my orders are now absolute, and nevertheless I will tell you ... I will go to Odasaku and want to stay with him alone

Chuuya (while holding his fist firmly until it bled): I understand, as you ask, I will carry out this order

Dazai: "The only solution was to get you away from me. I finally got rid of his inconvenience and I can implement my plan"

(Chuuya returned to his apartment, he was angry because of Dazai's annoying behavior and because of his behavior in this way)

Chuuya: "When he is always like this with me, a crush is always making fun of me, he always loves to make me angry, always ..." (Chuuya slept on the sofa to wake up to the sound of his phone ringing, and he looked at his phone while he was almost asleep, but he woke up completely upon reading the name that appeared on his phone, Boss Mori was the one calling him, he raised the speaker with concern, but the words said by the leader and the tone of his voice, through which he realized that the situation was not reassuring

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