Hidden Feelings - Part 2

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(Two years have passed since the night that Dazai disappeared, during which a lot of events happened. In the first six months of Dazai's disappearance, Chuuya was looking everywhere for any trace of Dazai, he refused to admit that Dazai had left him and abandoned him and chose to commit suicide to stay beside him. " He felt responsible for what happened, only if he had not left him at the time, if only he had stayed with him or at least he quickly returned to him before he disappeared and wiped his trace from existence, boss Mori tried to stop Chuuya from searching and consider Dazai dead, but Chuuya was He refuses that even though the leader's orders were absolute for Chuuya, but he could not give up the search and try to find even a glimmer of hope in the place of Dazai and that he was still alive somewhere, Chuuya suffered a lot and he only slept this other than the deterioration of his health due to lack of food and rest. Suffering from nightmares about the night that Dazai disappeared, he used to imagine Dazai blaming him for giving up on him. Lots of mafia members tried to help Chuuya, but it was useless. Chuuya could not do anything but continue searching despite all his suffering)

(A whole year has passed for Dazai to appear alive afterwards and that he is no longer a member of the mafia, but rather joined another organization called the Armed Investigation Agency, who is more shocked by this matter is Chuuya even though in himself there was some happiness because Dazai is alive but sadness possesses it, His partner had completely deceived him and abandoned him to join another agency as an enemy of the mafia and he did not care about Chuuya. He hated everything but became wished that he had abandoned him that night and did not care about him and did not make his condition so bad, he became Choi that hides his existence something by nothing, he no longer feels The value of anything after he was betrayed by a female partner, the only person that Chuuya trusted to protect his back had betrayed him, so he didn't stand out much anymore, rather he was just carrying out the tasks and then disappearing. He no longer communicated with anyone until most of the new members of the mafia did not see or know him as an executive member) (after two years)

Mori (angrily): Chuuya!

Chuuya (pale and almost dead): Yes, boss

Mori : How long do you intend to stay in this state?

Chuuya: I'm fine, Boss, I just changed that's everything and I will continue carrying out the tasks as you tell me.

Mori : It is not just about missions, you are an executive member of the mafia and so you have to show yourself to others, others must know your presence, some people have come to believe that the executive member of Chuuya is dead

Chuuya: Am I not dead?

Mori (firmly): Certainly you are. Enemies of the port mafia are no longer afraid of the mafia as before, "although the main reason for this is the end of the Double Black " so you have to show yourself more, the others must know that Chuuya the executive member is still there. To know that the bearer of strong gravity is still in the port mafia, and that the port mafia is still as strong as it was

Chuuya: I command you, Boss, I will try to show myself more

Mori: Good, in this case you will accompany me to the party that will bring together the leaders of the organizations and the mafia in Yokohama

Chuuya: Can't Ani-san accompany you?

Mori: The power of the port mafia has to be shown, and there is no more effective way than to show you Chuuya (then give him an envelope) these are the details of the concert.

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